Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Referees unnoticed but very important!!!! by Bull Pain

This was posted by Bull Pain on facebook, it's a little tough to read because it all runs together but an interesting read none the less.....

 Here is a subject that is overlooked all the time. i have litteraly been in a locker room, when the ref doesnt show up for the show so they use some kid who has no clue. he doesnt even have a referee shirt, pants ,or shoes or basically anything that even remotely looks like referee wear. so they just tell him to go out there with what he is wearing and do your best!! yah right!!! like he is going to have some revelation in a few minutes and become a skilled referee. since he already looks like a total ham and egger with his thrown together outfit. you as an organazation have just told the people the show is gonna suck by using an unskilled and untrained ref to fill in, because you dont think a referee is an important part of the puzzle. this tells me that you or whoever is running your organazation and making the decisions is a total tool and an idiot!! because a good ref can make your show, and a bad ref can definetly totally ruin your show!! first of all, like i said appearance is everything!! even for a referee. a nicely WASHED ref shirt, some dark slacks, and dark shoes. his apearance should be that of a clean cut guy not look like he just got out of jail. remember the fans are counting on him for a fair shake, and if the ref looks like an ex con or he just got done smoking on a crack pipe, they will think the screw job is on! even before the match starts. also a referee should not be bigger than the workers themselves. it really and truly takes away from the workers and makes them look silly. i have seen this countless times where the ref is 300 lbs and the workers are 165lbs and they mouth off to him, or do a knockdown spot on him. W.T.F. first of all he is way too big to be knocked down.  second if he was any kind of enforcer of the rules, if the heel got out of control with the ref and got too disrespectful the ref would just kick his ass himself. being a ref is a great way to learn the business. i refereed many matches for A.W.A. before they actually let me work. let me tell you you i reffed some great matches. Nick Bockwinkle vs Rick Martell, the Road Warriors vs Jerry Blackwell & Ken Patera. i was very lucky. i learned alot from them. i got to see close up how things were done, and how to communicate with each other out there. especially through the ref. i personally do this alot. i tell the ref to tell my oponent whats going down and he relays the message, so the fans doent see me talking to the guy i am working. referees must always, and i mean always stand to the left of the workers, because they will always be moving to there right. other wise you will always be in the way of the guys and that gets really old. as a ref you might get your dick knocked in the dirt if you irritate them enough. nobody wants to stumble over a referee all match long. never let a heel intimidate you and back down to the point where your not doing your job. sure show respect, and even cowar a little bit, but if your scared to death of the guy and that much of a panty waste! why are you in there?. remember you are supposed to keep the peace and enforce the rules. if you cant do that then go home, because we dont need you. another thing that pisses me off is this! you are a referee, remember that!!!! you are supposed to take the heat from the fans, you are supposed to not see certain things so if this upsets you or you think your too important to look silly out there, or you dont want your wife or girlfriend to think you are a dork. then leave her at home. ITS YOUR JOB TO TAKE THE HEAT FROM THE FANS!!!!!!!! and if this is too hard for your ego to take, do us all a favor and become a cubscout leader. maybe those kids you can controll and be big man on campus in front of your woman. your job is to be where your supposed to be for the finish!! and you must remember this!!! without you the finish is a flop. it takes everyone out there to make it work!! you are a team and you must work as a team. here is a terrible pet pieve of mine. when a referee slows the count for whatever reason. if the guy doesnt kick out in time then count him out!!! you dont know why he didnt kick out so dont take it upon youirself to make match changing decisions!!! maybe he is hurt, or he was told to change the finish, and you didnt know it. nothing looks worse than a referee who knows the finish and doesnt want to count out the guy because thats not the finish. its not your job to make sure he kicks out in time. ITS HIS!!!!! when you are a referee you must always command respect out there otherwise the people may lose interest in the match because they see the babyface will not get a fair shake, and thats why they are there to see there favorite babyface win. also if your on the other end of the spectrum and show the wrestlers no respect and think you are the star and wont back down when a worker has a gimmick, ( chain ,baseball bat, steel chair etc ) if you dont back down, expect to get your head split like a melon. because if you arent afraid of a weapon, then why should the other wrestler back off, or jump out of the ring to get out of harms way and fear the weapon. this does nothing but belittle the wrestler, and i will not stand for a referee belittling me in the ring, i guarentee you that ass clown. like i said before we are all a team working together to get a good match but if you as a referee can not keep controll of a match and dont put yourself in the position to ensure your influence in the ring it can make everyone look bad. here is another real important thing too remember as a referee you have to be in some kind of shape if you look like the michelin man and smoke 3 packs of cigarettes a day and cant even walk to the ring without getting blown up or out of breath you need to open your eyes and realise that there is no way you can do your job properly. because being a referee is a very hard job. you have to be able to get up and down alot in the match to make the count, especially if there is alot of false finishes. plus no referee just has one match in a show you will have several and if you have no gas in the tank you will blow up and be a useless pile of monkey shit out there. no one wants a referee in their match wondering if the guy is going to have a heart attack during your match. so get off your ass and get some cardio work in at the gym. plus dont get all jacked up and work out so you look better than the guys who are in the ring. that will be looked down upon, and will cost you work and many headaches i guarentee you that. being a referee is a very important job to the show, but remember you arent the star you are merely window dressing for the match. so if your ego is too big and you dont like taking the heat or backing down from some guys once in a while this might end up to be a very painfull experiance for you. because i will not stand for a ref to boss me around and disrespect me in any way. in fact if you do this you can guarentee i will drop you on your head somewhere in the match and that will be the end of you for that night at least. remember take pride in what you are doing out there. to me refereeing and being a good one is much harder than being a wrestler!! why you say? you have to remember finishes, times, ques, and also be in excellent cardio shape to keep up with the matches. if your good at all these things to me, the skys the limit. w.w.e. is always looking for good refs. plus if you dont have to take bumps, well maybe once in a while, and can get paid for it. to me thats the ticket.

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