I know the slow demise of this website is upon us.While it is still up I might as well vent the spleen. You know I am far from a know it all about pro wrestling. There are those who have traveled the roads , making very little money and risking their health in some cases, who have forgotten more than I may ever know.Then there are the "other ones".
The other ones are guys who may get trained by someone and unleashed on the unsuspecting viewing public or they have some buddies and a trampoline in the backyard, who watch wrestling or play it on a video game and next thing you know, in this corner, with no clue what their character is The Other One!
Don't get me wrong it is not just The Other Ones fault, also at fault are owners or bookers that allow these guys to apply their fantasy in a ring near you.The Other Ones will have a match and no one is watching them,so when they get their match done and they are in one piece, I guess they figure they are doing well.This is where the shot caller comes into the discussion.If the shot caller is NOT watching the show then how do you know if this person or that person is over , or who needs help in getting their character over. Far too often,The Other Ones will show up, usually in gear bought at the local Wal Mart(swim trunks, MMA shirt=instant badass, I guess) and have a match.Not good!
So many people in wrestling have to get their spots in, forget the fans, who paid to watch, it becomes a "worship me" .I been in the crowd and when I see wrestlers like that ,it is piss break time for me.How insulting, and owners wonder why the house is down...My point is this, remove about a half dozen moves you wanted to do in the match and shake hands with the fans, or if a heel get them fired up.Trust me those fans won't give two craps about your version of an RKO, if they don't give a crap about YOU. If you as a babyface , works a decent heel who has fired up the crowd then you come out and climb into the ring without acknowledging the fans, why should the fans pop for your move if you are disrespected them by not doing your job, which is customer service. We are there for the fans, they are NOT there for us.Respect the customer, the customer will respect you.This is not about anyone in particular, just a reminder we all need from time to time. Quit playing wrestler and be one!
In closing, every position in a wrestling show is important.I know there are wrestlers who think they are the only component of a good show.That is such BS!! If you think that then next time you work a match with a bad referee or try to work a spot with a Commissioner who has no comprehension of the angle.Announcers are included too.I have done every job mentioned beforehand.Maybe it was just me but I believe no matter your role, do it well.Strive to improve. Wrestlers, especially new guys, talk to old school guys, generally they know what works and what does not work. Don't get bent out of shape if they tell you something you did not want to hear.LEARN and keep learning.Its great you can do a bunch of moves but without the psychology it means jack squat. Think of yourself as a storyteller, don't worry about how many moves you can do, worry about how many fans you made FEEL something. Fans will come to watch a show that interest their minds quicker than just seeing choreographed gymnastics. I know when I watch a match I want to know why something was done, not that Joe Blow could do it! I will have more blogs coming on this subject ,because the RESPECT for this business is withering on the vine.These blogs will maybe help some correct their ways.How do you know you are doing wrong if you are never told???
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
The Future of Cheap Heat Radio.....
I posted this on Facebook today and thought I'd post it here as well for those that aren't friends of mine on Facebook....
Monday, July 25, 2011
A World Champion Compliment

I know I get caught bringing out what is wrong and the shortcomings of today's wrestling through my eyes. Sometimes I wonder why anyone who consistently moans about it still does it. I am no different, but instead of trying to fix the world I try to make sure that I improve. Here is a true story that really made me realize why I keep doing wrestling shows.
A nice little story I got to share with you. On July 9th, Tommy Rich wrestled at New Generation Wrestling, at the building there is a dressing area upstairs and one that is downstairs. I happened to get dressed upstairs and decided to walk downstairs to shake hands with the rest of the locker room. I walk in and Tommy Rich is discussing his match, with his opponent Chris Lexxus. They finish, I reach out to shake their hands and Tommy says" Is this the man who is going to hand you the gimmick?" Lexxus says "No, he is with the Chaos Effexx. I got this guy to hand it to me" Tommy looks at the guys and says "he isn't going out looking like that? You need someone like this man(pointing at me).
Needless to say, I took that as a great compliment. I exited stage left, I knew hanging out there would not get any better.Its kinda like doing a promo, hit your big line , get a reaction and then shut up.LOL.You know that I have concerns about looking/acting the role of a manager. I believe most times a manager should look special.I always remember what Jimmy Hart once said paraphrasing "If you dress like the people in the stands, one day you will be there"..
Its moments like that, make me smile it was like I got a big payday. I will happily take compliments from former World Champion anytime. I know by writing about this I know I won't forget about it.Wrestling should be fun, this will always remind me, no matter the show and what you do, people are watching you.
Please feel free to comment with a great wrestling encounter experience you may have had.You can also contact me on Facebook, if you wish to "friend" me just ask.
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Walking in Memphis &Memphis Heat

On Friday July 22, 2011, my wife and I made the trek to Memphis, with tickets in hand to witness the show of Memphis Heat at the world famous Orpheum. We got down in "Mempho" a little after 12 and soon we were doing the tourist thing.From riding the trolleys to watching the ducks do their walk at 5 o'clock at the Peabody.It was an eventful day and a good escape from the mundane day to day grind.
We had bought tickets on line and as we found a good parking deck and scoped out Beale St on our way to The Orpheum.As we headed toward Main St.,believe it or not walking right by us was none other than Jerry Jarrett.Eye contact was made, cordial hellos were exchanged. Jarrett is one of the stars of Memphis Heat and was to sell his book and autograph(which of course we purchased. The Orpheum is an opera type house, first class scenery all the way.After, walking in and hitting up the gimmick table.Kristi told me we were definitely getting the Jarrett book.Kristi worked for USWA back in the day,so needless to say she has interest in both the book and the movie.Book signings and photos ensued. I got a treat by actually meeting Lance Russell.To me, Lance Russell was my all time fave, sure Solie was great, I enjoyed the Charlie Platts and Jim Ross' of the wrestling world but Lance is/was my favorite bar none.
This paragraph is dedicated to the chowder head that between drinking beers like there is no tomorrow, decided to chime in on his opinion of Lance Russell. Kristi and I were seated before the show, this guy says "Geez, Lance Russell looks like he has aged!!!" I was like he is 85 freaking years old, you goof, show some respect.This guy was like 55, bald and probably thinking that other around him wanted to hear his opinion, such arrogance and disrespect.Kristi said he says one more thing about Lance and she is going to saying something to him, you see unlike Mr Chowderhead, she actually knew Russell.You know, just because you think you are a big shot somewhere, in public you are no better.Before the show started Jarrett, Jerry Lawler,Bill Dundee, Dave Brown and yes Lance Russell spoke.Russell and Brown spoke on their respect for each other and you could tell these guys really cared for each other and they enjoyed each others company, which is more than I can say for Chowderhead, I knew him all of 10 minutes , if you are in public and you think other people want your opinion, do us a favor keep it to yourself.Brown and Russell got a standing ovation.Chowderhead, I just gave you about 200 words more than your worthless ass deserved!
To the movie, as a person who grew up watching Memphis Wrestling,maybe I am not objective to review this movie.It was enjoyable and I learned things I did not know.One of the great stories told was about Sputnik Monroe and how he came to the aid of black people during the turbulent racial times.I won't spoil it, I just thought it was a great story. This movie is chocked full of such stories, some I knew some I didn't.We were entertained and would fully recommend.Great movie, great atmosphere(sans Chowderhead) and walking in Memphis, Beale Street at night, something to see. A great time, a great birthday for Kristi as she told me.
Friday, July 22, 2011
UFC Owner Dana White discusses a meeting with Vince McMahon among other things
Dana White discusses the Machida controversy, Tito Ortiz getting back in the good graces, the future of Phil Davis, Overeem "injury", could UFC be on HBO in the future, his recent visit with Vince McMahon at WWE headquarters....
The CM Punk angle continues....at COMIC CON..
The angle continues.....pretty cool...listen to the crowd reaction....Punk has achieved a whole new level of stardom with this angle he's seems to know be a "superstar" on par with Cena, Rock, Austin, Hunter.
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