Friday, September 09, 2005

Lord Hugo vs. "Nightmare" Ken Wayne

I recently came across this argument on the Wrestling Classics message board and found it very interesting and thought quite a few other people would too. Ken Wayne posts as 'NYTERSS' and Hugo posts as 'lord humongous'. This was cut and pasted directly from the message board. If more turns up I will update it later. This all started when someone posted a picture of Ryan Wilson (Trytan in TNA) as Lord Humongous and someone asked who it was, Hugo responded then so did Ken Wayne and here's what followed.
lord humongous

Member # 552

Icon 1 posted 09-06-2005 05:36 PM

I think it is funny that Ryan can't even get the look right. Here is my web-site please someone show it to him and then maybe he can look like me.



Member # 535

Icon 1 posted 09-06-2005 06:34 PM

Somehow I don't think he wants to look like you. Seriously though, the Hugo gimmick is way outdated. Time to move on.



lord humongous

Member # 552

Icon 1 posted 09-06-2005 10:02 PM

Ok to clear this up about who owns the Hugo gimmick. The one in the movie is spelled Humungus mine is spelled Humongous. I copyrighted that spelling of it. I also changed the look slightly so that I could get the copyright.
Now as far as the gimmick being outdated........ If that was true why is so many people trying to use it? Also I just did a run in the NorthWest with it and have done a tour of South Africa with it. So I don't believe that it is that outdated.
Now I know several people have done this gimmick with Mike Stark being the first, Jeff Van Kamp being the second and me being the third. And then there is everyone else after us.
But truth be told I am the only one that has taken this"outdated gimmick" as far as it has gone as far as different countries and states. Noone else has done this so I think that after the copyright and after when all I have taken it then I do believe that I have the right to call myself Lord Humongous.

lord humongous

Member # 552

Icon 1 posted 09-07-2005 10:20 AM
Ok this is a reply to Ken Wayne. Ken yes I do know how to work or I wouldn't have worked for WCW (which I did for 3 years), Deep South and many other promotions all over the country. So yes I do think I have learned my craft. Now as far as me getting paid and what I get paid..........I can't believe that this is going on a message board but here goes. No ken the reason I don't work for most promotions in Mississippi and work in other states is because I do ghet paid. Most promotions in this state can't afford to pay me what I want so I go to other states. So no I won't work cheap. Now again as far as the gimmick being out dated......if it is then way does everyone still want it? Now as far as my weight is clear that you haven't seen me lately so trust me you don't know what I look like and yes there was a time when I let that go but trust me you haven't seen me lately.
Now Kenny you have a right to your opinion but trust me young man I haven't hurt the business. Because 1. I won't work for 5.00 and 2. I do know my craft and how to worek and if I didn't I damn sure wouldn't have been around for 22 years still getting booked week in and week out.
And I don't want anyone taking this the wrong way because I have always liked and respected Ken Wayne but truthfully Kenny I think you are way off base with this and I find it very hurtful you would say this stuff.


Member # 535

Icon 1 posted 09-07-2005 04:34 PM

First Gary, I deleted the post because I like you and didn't want to hurt your feelings. I thought I deleted the post before anyone saw it. But the way I feel about people personally and business is two completly different things. I bet you have never had to give a friend their notice, I have, and it was 100% a business decision. And I have had to do it more than once. What I have to say about the business or people in it, isn't personally motivated, it's strictly business. I want everyone to live up to their potential, I hope you understand that.

I have heard you lost weight, congratulations. You aren't the only one I have said anything about their weight, if I didn't care I wouldn't have brought it up to you or anyone else. In fact I have had several guys call me and keep me posted on their weight loss. (You need to change the pics on your website)

As far as you knowing your craft, I have never seen any evidence of it. The Hugo gimmick was used , as Jimmy Hart would say, to "camoflage" the fact that a guy can't work. That's why it was put on Mike Stark. Jeff wasn't too much in the skills department either and he knows it. Sid did learn to work, but it was put on him for the same reason. That and man did he ever fit the gimmick. Doing that gimmick and knowing your craft are 2 different things.

You have taken a short term, camoflage gimmick and tried to make a career out of it. And quite honestly, you probably could have gone much farther as Gary Nations. Actually I like that name much better. It's got a good ring to it. But I digress.

As far as everyone wanting the gimmick, well, I don't know of any. I have talked to several promoters and they tell me that you call and want to work with the gimmick and you will do it rather cheap. They only told me these things because I was looking for talent and they brought your name up. And I didn't call you mainly because we didn't need the gimmick at the time. Like I said, I am only going by what I was told.
As far as you being in WCW for 3 years and 22 years in the business and whatever else you said, I don't know about any of that, I have only known of you the last 10 or so years, but being in wcw or anywhere doesn't mean you know your craft. There are guys in wwe right now that don't know their craft. I can only speak of what I have seen and opinions of others that have have seen your work in recent years. But in all fairness, I have seen much worse, hell, I have had to work with some of them.

On a side note, it's hard to do that gimmick for as long as you have and learn the craft. I mean why or how would you, Lord Hugo's act doesn't have to know the craft, it's a very easy gimmick to do, you don't really have to do much. That's the main reason Sid wanted out of the gimmick, so he could display his skills. When Sid, as LH, started displaying skills it all but killed LH off.

All of what I said in the post I deleted wasn't directed at you. The LH comments were aimed directly at you. It's a 25 or 30 year old gimmick, man it's 2005, time to move on. If it was such an up to date gimmick Vince would be doing it. He did have Demolition, which is about as close he got to the gimmick, and how long ago has that been. The other stuff was at a bunch of jabronies that need to be buying a ticket....again.

I had hoped it would be constructive criticism, but after I re-read the post I realized it didn't come off that way, and like I said, I like you personally and I didn't want to hurt your feelings. I won't apologize for what I said, it's the way I feel, it just didn't come across like I intended. I DO beleive you should drop the gimmick, but I also think Ricky Morton should cut his hair. It's not intended to hurt feelings or make anyone angry. It's just what I think, and you know I have never been one to hold back much.

Although I am retired from the ring I still love this business and most of the guys that are carrying it on. I am not one of those people that are stuck in the past, I know things change and I welcome it. I hear all the time that things will never be the same and I don't expect them to be. Actually I am quite excited about some of the changes going on right now, and I can't wait for the next couple of years, just to see how it plays out. But I also know that, for me, in the ring isn't where I want or need to be. I realized it was time for me to move on, so I did one of the hardest things I have ever done, I made the decision to get out of the ring now. I didn't make a big deal out of it, no press release or anything like that, because I didn't find it newsworthy. My point here is, maybe it's time for you to move on too, re-invent yourself. Everything goes through changes, even butterflies were catapillars.

[ 09-07-2005, 11:35 PM: Message edited by: NYTERSS ]



Sunday, September 04, 2005


The Dumbassery Continues......

I know recently celebrated hitting half a million hits, which is incredible BUT the reason for that is that's it's the last place that nutless little bitches can go and trash people namelessly without anyone finding out who they are and stomping their misrable asses. You see a long while back J.D. McKay had a message board where you didn't have to register and it was a hotspot for all the Mississippi workers to go there and argue, put themselves over under different names, and say things they didn't have the guts to say to people's faces but eventually it got so out of hand they changed to a board that you had to register to post on and it became deserted INSTANTLY. So eventually J.D.'s website died because everyone moved on to where they could continue there bullshit without consequence to this very day. Ironically J.D. had to bring his 'Shooting from the Hip' to where everyone else was, the old "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em" I guess. Everyone including Jimmy himself has been victim of these pussies trashing them and people have spoke out numerous times to try to get them to change there message board but it will never happen cause if they ever make Jimmy's board where you have to register then it will die like all the others.

It's really pathetic as people just get on there and just say ANYTHING they want no matter how non-factual it is but just repeat it over and over til some people start to believe it, like the Neil Taylor UPN story for instance. And as for myself, this asshole "BIB" has gone on there repeatedly saying that I'm a "redneck racist". Show me one goddamn thing I've ever said on the message board, in my column, on this blog, or even in the dressing room that was ever racist. You can't because there's not, but that doesn't stop this piece of shit from saying it over and over. Then he starts in about me trying to get on this so-called benefit show that Shawn Dandridge is putting together. Look back through the posts, when did I say anything about wanting to be on ANY FUCKING show, much less some fictional show that Dandridge is babbling about. I'm not looking to set foot in wrestling ring ANYWHERE ANYTIME soon. I haven't asked to be on anyone's show, I haven't talked about actually wrestling anywhere, yet all weekend people talked shit about how awful a benefit show would be if I was on it, when I have no intention on working one. Then a post I found particularly amusing was someone saying that I "kiss Chris Kilgore and Sammy Hall's ass". That's pretty funny considering I haven't seen or spoken to either one in OVER THREE YEARS!! I know people who rack there brains trying to figure out who it is that's bashing them with some dumbass name like "the one who knows" or "IWF Fan" or whatever. Look guys, it's not a "fan" or someone you don't know. Nine times out of ten it's someone who was sitting right across from you in the dressing room on Saturday night who doesn't have the guts to say anything to your face so he say's on the internet and then comes and asks you the next weekend if you "read what the marks have been saying about you on the message boards." Well you know what I give less than a fuck what any of those pussies have to say about me. Call me fat, I am, I've never denied that. Say I can't work, I've never denied that either. Say I don't take enough bumps, So fucking what? Talk about my shitty writing skills, Hey I never said I was Shakespeare. In spite of all that, even though according to you I'm the shits, I'm still worthy of your time to read everything I write, and for you to take the time to post about me on the message board. So who's the real asshole here??

Taking a look at the latest intellectual insight of indy wrestling's only award winning asshol.....uh I mean writer

Well unless you've been living under a rock or have n't read every fuckin' post that David Burcham has posted in the last month then you know that he has been given awards for his bi-monthly masterpiece that is 'Rants & Raves'. So let's take a look at a few of the POINTS he made this go around followed by my COUNTERPOINT.

"--Believe it or not, there are still 'Net wrestling columnists who absolutly refuse to acknowledge that the whole Matt Hardy/Lita/Edge angle was a work from the very first rumor that Lita and Edge "had an affair". They have their match at "Summerslam" and the 'Net wrestling columnists proclaim the feud over and done with when the "re-hired" Hardy loses to Edge when the referee stops the match. Um... that was the first match in the feud and now, according to these writers' "wrestling saavy", it's over?"

Well I can't speak for all "'Net wrestling columnists" but I think what they meant by it "being over" or at least what I meant was not saying that the WWE was finished having matches in the angle, but that they had basically killed the angle and Matt Hardy by the way they booked the match and the angle from his return on. Yes there will be more matches but it's essentially over as far as how hugely OVER Matt was during his hiatus. Also, call me a stupid mark but I'm not convinced the entire thing was a work. Maybe it was but based on how it all went down, I think something really happened with Edge and Lita and they made it a work after the fact. I don't think the writer's are creative enough to have staged a "worked shoot" that well for things to fall into place the way they did. I also don't think if it was a work from the word go they would have let Matt go to all these indy shows and put over everybody and there mama. I just finished watching an indy show dvd from July where Matt Hardy putt over AJ Styles CLEAN in the middle of the ring. If he was secretly working for them all along I don't think they would have allowed that. I also don't think they would have let Wade Keller make all the money off selling the shoot interview telling the whole story of it, they would have found a way to market it themselves instead of letting a "sheet writer" cash in on it. Too many things don't add up for it to be a full work from beginning to end. Also the fact they were seen together doesn't disprove anything, you mean to tell me you've never heard of a couple who broke over one cheating getting back together. Nah, that's never happened. But I know, because no one wants to say they got fooled, everyone assumes EVERYTHING to do with wrestling is a work. Regardless of whether you feel it's a work or shoot, there's one thing everyone has to agree on, the WWE have taken an angle that could have been a huge draw and fucked it nine ways from Sunday, and killed Matt Hardy's momentum in the process, why would they do that if it all was a work from day one???

"--'Net writers bitch and moan that WWE isn't even trying to create new stars. Then they bitch and moan when Booker T, Chris Benoit, the Undertaker, Shawn Michaels, and Ric Flair put over guys like Ken Kennedy, Orlando Jordan, Randy Orton, Carlito Cool, and Chris Masters."

Ok, here's the thing. Orton and Carlito I have no problem with. They deserved to be pushed they will be major stars for years to come. My problem is shit ass guys like Chris Masters getting pushed into an angle with Shawn Michaels when talented guys like Shannon Moore, Charlie Haas, and Rhyno are getting cut. But hey, I'm sure people will turn out in record numbers when they finally book a Orlando Jordan vs. Rob Conway main event for Wrestlemania.

I agree with most of the other stuff he said, I originally was gonna go on a tirade about how people were acting about the benefit ideas but Burcham pretty well covered that. So I guess that's all for now, but I will be posting soon with the return of CHW Cheap Heat Wrestling and more, so keep reading so you'll have something to bitch later.