Wednesday, June 08, 2005

I've got your Cheap Heat right here.....

Well as it turns out due to a conflict with my work schedule I will not be in Tupelo this saturday for the benefit, I wish that I could be there, it sound's like it's gonna be quite a show. I hope it does very well and is able to help out Cody and Josh with what I'm sure are outrageous medical bills.

As for Jimmy's little tirade Sunday night on the board about me updating my column, I say f*** him, pull my column off the website, I don't give a shit, there's enough "fat retards" posting there already without my two cents, and speaking of which congrats on finally updating your shit for the first time in monthes. Pot meet the f***** kettle there buddy.

As for the people crying on the message boards about the "death of Memphis Wrestling" because Corey Maclin lost his tv deal and can't get another, I've got news for you, Memphis Wrestling died ten years ago and nobody told you. Memphis Wrestling died with the USWA and it ain't been back from Power Pro to all the shitty incarnations since, they are all trying to breathe life into something that is dead and gone and will NEVER be the same again, no matter what channel you put it on or how many has-beens you trot out there. It's over with, done. Speaking of dead promotions trying to rise from the grave........

Saturday night the IWF returned.............again. From what I've read and heard it's a really good angle and I hope it works out well, but before all you "IWF Fans" on the boards start singing "happy days are here again", why don't you just let this thing play out and see what happens. I like all these guys but let's face it, we've seen it all before, they'll have a good angle maybe even have a few IWF shows but before the summer is over they'll all be back on seperate shows doing "shoots" on each other........

Well so ends the first edition of the all new "Cheap Heat" and as you can see things have changed a bit, no more being nice, no more pulling punches. I say whatever the hell I wanna say and damn anybody that don't like it. You want "heat" folks, well it's coming..........

Sunday, June 05, 2005

To all the Cryin' Little Bitches......Here ya go.

Since I couldn't find time to sit and write up columns and send them in frequently I have decided to start doing all my writing here as I can drop in anytime and post things and not have to come up with a whole column at once. Hopefully Jimmy and Tia will be ok with this I emailed Tia asking her to post a link here from my column. Now maybe this will cut down on all the pissing and moaning on the boards about my column being updated, if not then the hell with them.

I'll be back on here in a day or two to comment on some things.