Monday, July 11, 2005

Recent News and Nash Shoots!


Holy Shit, I haven't seen this many cuts since I watched that Abdullah vs. The Sheik compilation tape a few monthes ago. I know everyone else will do this in there column but let's comment briefly on each one.

  • Joy Giovanni- "Who?"

  • Kenzo Suzuki- "Decent but nothing to write home about, won't be missed."

  • Matt Morgan- "I really don't understand why they spend so much money and time to develope some of these guys and then cut them so easily Cornette(another one who bit the dust this week) has made him his pet project and got him over both times he was in OVW but WWE just couldn't figure it out. Personally, with his size and lack of charisma, I would have put a masked monster gimmick(ala Kane back in the day) on him and tried to use him that way, and if he didn't get over they could have fed him to Kane or Snitsky or someone on his way out."

  • Charlie Haas- "Good wrestler, I think they could have done something with him on RAW, perhaps put him back with Benjamin after Shelton dropped the IC belt to Carlito, to help get the tag team division off life support."

  • Jackie Gayda- "One less pair of tits. That's about all she contributed."

  • Marty Jannetty- "Janetty had a HELL of a match with Angle on Smackdown, I think they should have kept using him there, at least on the house shows to help the young guys learn how to work."

  • Dawn Marie- "Another pair of tits gone, plus she's pregnant. No big loss here. I'm sure they can find a diva search bimbo who will work for less."

  • Mark Jindrak- "I've never cared for this guy and after all this time in the business he still looks like the same power plant stiff he did when he was a so-called 'Natural Born Thriller'. Maybe he'll look better doing the job to Monty Brown on the internet feed of IMPACT."

  • Maven- "Poor ol' Maven. He lasted longer than most figured he would. I always thought he would be funny playing the Rock's mini-me protege, trying to dress like him and do his lines and fuck them up. A way to keep the Rock's persona on tv while he's away. Oh well, Jindrak needs someone to split a room with in Orlando."

  • Shannon Moore- "Moore is a talented guy who they couldn't figure out what to do with either, he was a good fit as Matt's MF'er, but nothing they did after that seemed to fit. Maybe the 'mattitude follower' can follow the 'Angelic Diablo'(WHAT THE FUCK?) to some indy bookings."

  • James Yun (Akio)- "Who?"

  • David Heath (Gangrel)- "The question isn't why did they realease him, the real question is, What the fuck was he doing back in the first place???"

  • Billy Kidman- "Kidman is a great worker but I've never been able to make myself give a shit about him, apparently I'm not alone."

  • Spike Dudley- "You knew it had to happen eventually. How much can you do with a WWE Superstar with the build of a 12 year old girl?"

  • Kevin Fertig- "Hope you still got Corey Maclin's number. Well for what it's worth, when Memphis is so dead you have start running in MISSISSIPPI!?!? It's time to hang it up."
And of course the most shocking cuts were Bubba and D-Von, The Dudley Boyz. Kinda makes you wonder if there isn't some truth to the rumor of a new ECW brand coming soon??? We should know pretty soon if they don't turn up somewhere else before long. I find it funny they sent Heyman in to replace Cornette in OVW, perhaps they might convert OVW into the new ECW, or they are letting him tune his creative juices for another run with ECW. Time will tell.

"Daddy, Can I come back home, I won't do it again I promise"

Well after leaving the WWE and a six figure salary to pursue his "dream"(hope his 'dream' was making a total ass of himself cause that's what he did), Brock Lesnar has come crawling back to Vince looking for a job after realizing he can't get of the no compete contract that would keep him from wrestling anywhere else for another several years. After not making it with the Vikings and the NFL, Brock says he's matured and is ready for the fame and fortune that comes with being a WWE Superstar. But having walked away from a 'Triple H' sized push when the company needed him most, the question is, Will Vince be willing to forgive him? Will Vince do what's go for business and push him, or will he make an example out of him? Also, is it good for business to let someone who very publically showed he couldn't cut in the NFL to come back in and start dominating the WWE stars, what will that say about them? Anyway, this will be an interesting story to watch unfold in the coming monthes.

FINALLY!!! The real HBK comes home!!

I know the real test will be tonight on RAW to see how far he takes it as a heel, but I have to say I was thrilled to death to see Michaels superkick Ozzy, uh I mean Hogan in the mug last week. Michaels was one of my all-time favorite heels but I haven't really cared for his 'holy roller' gimmick he's had since coming back. I'm not looking for a return of DX or anything. Just a little more of the arrogant prick he plays so well.

Kevin Nash Shoots!

I recently got in the Kevin Nash shoot interview that was conducted at WrestleReunion in Tampa awhile back and I have to say I really enjoyed it. The first impressive thing about it was there was a set and both Nash and the interviewer appeared on camera rather than one of these taped in a 'Cum & Go Motel' with a Handycam shoots your used to seeing. Also they had former WCW announcer Scott Hudson conducting the interview which really helped cause he was there and actually had some clue of what the hell he was talking about and didn't just ask stupid mark questions like Feinstein always asks, "So what are your memories of the heat between Bret and Shawn?" I swear he asks everybody that fucking question, guys that didn't work in WWF at the time, and they look at him like, 'What the fuck?' Anyway, sorry about that rant. All and all a good shoot, way better than the DDP one they did the same day where Page answered half the questions with, "I'll cover that in my upcoming audio book." However you could tell they were on a strict time schedule cause everytime Nash would stray off topic, Hudson would reel him back in quickly. I'll let everyone watch it and draw there own conclusion, but here a few quotes I thought I'd share:

When asked about people getting mad at he and Scott Hall for leaving WWF:

"They call it the business, but as soon as YOU start to treat it like a business then your a fuckin' jackoff."

When asked about his thought's on WWE's current product:

"They used to give us bulletpoints on what to do, now they don't get bulletpoints, they get fuckin' scripts, It should be called Monday Night Contrived, it's the most unraw, scripted shit I've ever seen."

When asked about the WWE writers:

"You've got a bunch of people who've never been fucked or been in a fight trying to write a show about sex and violence."

Talking about people getting mad about the 'fingerpoke of doom'

"You were supposed to be mad, it was a fucking heel turn."

I'll be back in a few days with some more stuff. Thanks to everyone who gave me feedback on "good wrestler" post, I'll get back to that soon.