Thursday, June 28, 2007

Cheap Heat has moved again.....

All future postings from me will be posting on So make sure to come check it out!

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Another great article from Scott Hudson

(this is taken from written by Scott Hudson, as he did at the passing of Jill Jarrett Hudson's comments are both timely and insightful, IMHO)

By: Scott Hudson
6/26/2007 3:44:44 PM
Not a human victim. As the beautiful Nancy and the young Daniel lay dead and dying in their new home, Chris was slowly suffocating another victim as he ended his own life. He killed what shred of innocence was left in wrestling. I know that's akin to lamenting the loss of integrity in the legal profession - but there was a little bit left.

The innocence was found in the locker room, in a backstage handshake and embrace between two athletes, in ribbing among the members of the fraternity. As kayfabe went the way of the dinosaur, the wall of insulation constructed from the inside out by those in the business grew higher. One knew that any casual hotel lobby conversation with a fan or radio show guest shot would be on the internet in mere minutes. Nothing wrong with that. But we knew that the only people you could trust - albeit very little - were those in the locker room with you. They knew. They understood. The pain. The travel. The pain. The loneliness. The pain. The frustration. That common thread linked everyone. They knew you and you knew them. Maybe not personally - but you just knew. Everyone around you began in small buildings with even smaller pay-offs and much larger aches and bruises. We were all on the same team - no matter what.

Suicide is an awful thing. Whether it's the coward's way out is a matter for the bumper sticker writers. That person is still just as dead. Wrestling has had its share of intentional and unintentional suicides. Insert the word murder in place of suicide and that statement rings just as true. But murder/suicide? Of a child? Like he has so often - Chris Benoit raised the bar.

Double-crosses occur in every profession without exception. Salesmen, attorneys, entertainers, bureaucrats - makes no difference. Wrestlers included. But like the old saw dictates regarding families, "We may fight among ourselves but God help the outsider that fights one of us. You fight one of us - you fight all of us." That was a strong bond among wrestlers. That was part of the innocence.

The biggest marks in the building are backstage. We believed that we knew - as much as we reasonably expect - those in there with us. We put our lives in each others hands and trusted them not to injure us. We believed. We knew.

George Carlin noted, "People say 'sometimes you just don't know.' That's not true. Sometimes you do know. You just don't want to say it out loud." Now we know. The guy you're in the ring with; the man you're working out spots with; the guy next to you in the rental car - he could kill his family. What? That won't happen? You just know it couldn't happen. How do you know that?

Nancy and Daniel will be forever mourned as the victims of a mad man and a madman. Their memorial service will be tearful pageant celebrating their lives. As well it should be. The man who killed them was working out spots with Elijah Burke three nights previously.

We can no longer assume that just because we're in the same biz and have paid the same dues that we are all hard-wired the same way. We are not. Chris, the son of a bitch, killed that, too.

Monday, June 25, 2007

R.I.P. Chris, Nancy, and Daniel Benoit

I didn't hear about this til later this evening when a friend called and told me (ironically the same one who told me about Eddie Guerrero's death) Needless to say like everyone else I was shocked to say the least. I didn't get to watch RAW til just a few minutes ago I skimmed through it on my DVR box and listened to what everyone had to say about him. Prior to watching RAW there were no details online anywhere of what could have happened. Afterwards, I got online intending to do what I'm doing now and that's post a blog entry about my feelings on this situation. However before typing this I thought I'd look and see if there was any new details on the story and I was very saddened to see this on all the news sites, here's the A.P. story that's making the rounds.

Wrestler Chris Benoit, Wife and Child Found Dead

Last Edited: Monday, 25 Jun 2007, 11:16 PM EDT

AP) -- WWE wrestler Chris Benoit, his wife, and son were found dead Monday and police said they were investigating the deaths as a murder-suicide.

Detective Bo Turner told television station WAGA that the case was being treated as a murder-suicide, but said that couldn't be confirmed until evidence was examined by a crime lab.

The station said that investigators believe the 40-year-old Benoit killed his wife, Nancy, and 7-year-old son, Daniel, over the weekend, then himself on Monday. A neighbor called police, and the bodies were found in three rooms.

Lead investigator Lt. Tommy Pope, of the Fayette County Sheriff's Department, told The Associated Press the deaths were being investigated as homicide, and that the causes of death awaited autopsy results on Tuesday. Pope said the bodies were discovered about 2:30 p.m., but refused to release details.

The house is in a secluded neighborhood set back about 60 yards off a gravel road, surrounded by stacked stone wall and a double-iron gate. On Monday night, the house was dark except for a few outside lights. There was a police car in front, along with two uniformed officers.

Benoit was a former world heavyweight and Intercontinental champion. He also held several tag-team titles during his career.

"WWE extends its sincerest thoughts and prayers to the Benoit family's relatives and loved ones in this time of tragedy," the federation said in a statement on its Web site.

Benoit was scheduled to perform at the "Vengeance" pay-per-view event Sunday night in Houston, but was replaced at the last minute because of what announcer Jim Ross called "personal reasons."

The native of Canada maintained a home in metro Atlanta from the time he wrestled for the defunct World Championship Wrestling.

The WWE canceled its live "Monday Night RAW" card in Corpus Christi, Texas, and USA Network aired a three-hour tribute to Benoit in place of the scheduled wrestling telecast.

"My relationship with Chris has extended many years and I consider him a great friend," Carl DeMarco, the president of WWE Canada, said in a statement. "Chris was always first-class -- warm, friendly, caring and professional one of the best in our business."

Now I'm not gonna jump to any conclusions cause it could come out that their theories aren't the way it went down and I really hope to God it isn't. My first reaction when reading it was, "There's no way Benoit did this", but truthfully none of us REALLY KNOW these people we watch on tv and what goes on in there personal lives. I really hope this isn't what happened cause it will forever tarnish the legacy of one of pro wrestling's greatest atheletes (no not SUPERSTAR, ATHELETE) Whatever happened the end result remains the same, three people lost their lives, one of them being a seven year old child and regardless of how you feel about Nancy or Chris that is perhaps the most tragic aspect of all, a kid with his whole life ahead of him is now gone as a result of tragic circumstances that regardless of what evidence tells us will never TRULY be explained.

Benoit Family