Monday, December 04, 2006

Article on "Rowdy" Roddy Piper

Rowdy Roddy Piper wrestles with a new foe: cancer

Hodgkin's disease - The Hillsboro resident and famous brawler vows to beat the illness
Sunday, December 03, 2006

Rowdy Roddy Piper, the Portland-area wrestling bad boy familiar to fans worldwide, has Hodgkin's disease, according to announcements posted on his Web site and by World Wrestling Entertainment. Piper vows to defeat the aggressive lymphatic cancer, which often responds well to radiation therapy.

Piper, now 52, started his professional career at 15. He built his reputation with flamboyant performances, a smart mouth, appearances in dozens of low-budget movies and highly publicized feuds with the likes of Hulk Hogan. His wild persona sometimes played out in private life, and he has had some driving-under-the-influence run-ins with the law.

Born in Canada, his real name is Roderick George Toombs. He's married, has four children and a grandchild. And even though wrestling has taken him across the world, Piper -- as he is generally known -- has considered the Hillsboro area his home for the past two decades.

Piper was succinct in his statement. He and his family expressed thanks for the "overwhelming support" from fans across the world. "It seems like I have been fighting someone, something, someplace, in some manner, my whole life," Piper wrote. "But this fight is one I am gonna win!"

Piper is affiliated with World Wrestling Entertainment, and the organization released a statement saying Piper was "sent home early from WWE's early November tour of the United Kingdom and hospitalized for surgery, where doctors removed a mass at the spinal cord with an enlarged lymph node. The mass was completely removed, but the lymph node was positive for Hodgkin's lymphoma. Radiation therapy is used to treat Hodgkin's lymphoma. It is an extremely successful procedure, so the prognosis is very good."

Joe Villa, a WWE official, was unsure where Piper was receiving treatment or when the family would release more information or consent to be interviewed.

News of Piper's illness sent ripples through the wrestling world. Greg Tingle, a fan in Sydney, Australia, has a Web page devoted to his hero. "Roddy Piper is one of the world's most successful and respected wrestlers of all time," Tingle said in a phone interview. "He is a true icon."

In his official bio, Piper claims to have fought a record 7,000 matches as a pro. He became a local hero/villain among Portland fans during the years he was a featured attraction on Portland Wrestling, which was broadcast for nearly 40 years on KPTV. A TV announcer interviewed the wrestlers during breaks. Threats and insults would be hurled their way, prompting a melee -- all part of the show.

It was the perfect setting for Piper, who arrived in the late 1970s. The real entertainment didn't occur in the ring but during the interviews. The camera loves Piper and he knows it. As much an actor as an athlete, Piper could ad-lib with the best of them. He was cocky, smarmy and yet all at once charming, able to trash-talk in an instant, feign indignation and then trade blows -- all before the commercial break.

Piper, who'd spent years on the road honing his act, knew exactly what the crowd expected. He wore a kilt, and bagpipes sounded when he approached the ring. He was named "Rowdy" because of his temper. And he had all kinds of moves: the sleeper hold, the eye poke, the inverted atomic drop and, of course, the infamous low blow.

Show by show, his popularity grew.

"He started as a brawler and, over the years, matured and treated it as a profession," Tingle said. "He knew it was entertainment and a business. He helped bridge the old school and the new era of pro wrestlers."

Piper joined the World Wrestling Federation, which later became WWE. Pro Wrestling Illustrated magazine named Piper the Most Hated Wrestler in 1984 and 1985. In 1985, Piper and Paul Orndorff teamed up against Hulk Hogan and Mr. T in Wrestlemania 1. In 2005, Piper was elected to the WWE Hall of Fame.

He has appeared in more than 30 movies and is the co-author of a book, "In the Pit With Piper: Roddy Gets Rowdy," referring to his "Piper's Pit" segment on World Wrestling Federation TV.

"I've been around the world seven times," Piper once said, "been stabbed three times, been down in an airplane and once dated the Bearded Lady. I've had Jo-Jo the Dog-Faced Boy as a tag-team partner. I've been in 30 car crashes, none of 'em my fault, I swear. . . . OK, they were probably all my fault."

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Cheap Heat Interview Part 1- Memphis Wrestling Star Tony Myers

(Coming up this week at, the 2nd part of the interview with Memphis Wrestling star Tony Myers, in the meantime in case you missed it. Here's part one from a few weeks back)

GJ: What are your thoughts on the current state of Memphis Wrestling?

TM: It is what it is. Meaning that the more you overanalyze it, the more you find wrong with it. When we were doing big houses with Funk and Lawler on top everyone knew it was hotstreaking and thought everything done was so wonderful but when business went down, fingers are always pointed everywhere

GJ: What's your opinion of Corey Maclin both as a person , and a promoter? Do you think he really thinks that FANS want to see him as the centerpiece in main angles and in the ring, or does he just do it cause he wants to?

TM: If Corey wants Corey to do the job, who is he going to argue with? Is Corey going to rely on Corey? Will Corey ever no-show Corey. It is still worlds better than Randy Hales, who was nothing short of a retarded retard. Corey cuts tremendous promos still and hey, he in the ring with the right talent has proven to draw money. I've always gotten along great with Corey, you have to understand the business world Corey was apart of to understand why the landscape of wrestling in Memphis is the way that it is. Ok, Corey came from a background of selling used cars and selling commercial time on Tv, radio ads, newpaper ads and the like. Unlike Jerry Jarrett and Lawler or even Nick Gulas or ANY of the Welches, in this day in age your bread is not buttered by fans attending matches and paying for a ticket. There are so many sources of revenue for Memphis Wrestling that clearly, the man has done his job and then some. I'll digress more here, follow me. When your passion is dying out and you've been up and down the roads for so long living out your dream, I don't care what it is you do in life, eventually you are going to get tired of it. If you told me at the age of fifteen, after having my first match that I was going to completely lose my passion(for wrestling) by 30 years of age, I d have sworn to Thesz (God of wrestling) that you were crazy, but hey, point is that's Ok, remember back in the mid-eighties when Vince McMahon was taking everything over (more like territories self-destructing and not being able to compete with him), well, all the dirtsheet readers (like me at the time) were going nuts claiming this cartoon wasn't wrestling, best example I can give would be a course I took in my second year of college in economics and the dreaded Widget system, if Widget A is more than Widget B, Widget B is more successful. If Widget B is operating at a plus margin of error, than Widget B is profitable and a success. You be hard-pressed to tell anyone anything when you don t even have a Widget that you own yourself. Yes, you have to listen to the fans and yes, Jerry Jarrett did that for 2 years on Wrestling Classics message board and where did it get him? You have to listen to the fans not attending anymore and find out why. The loyal fanbase will come regardless because that is what pro wrestling diehard fans do. They watch wrestling. To sum it all up, I am not saying the product is wonderful or has the greatest matches but I am pointing out the operational overall success STILL, every week from a financial standpoint. Gorilla Monsoon once said it best, If you are in this business for anything other than money, you are a fool. The reason we are fans and love the business is because we aren't the ones up and down the roads and paying dues. It would be a job for guys like you and I who really likes to work that hard and put up with all the politics and everything when we can just sit around and bash what we don t like from the comfort of our own home.

GJ: Was there ever a time at an indy show that someone didn't want to sell for you, or put you over cause you did jobs on tv?

TM: Just a few. Luckily for me, and I truly hate saying this, the guys ultimately respected what I could do because they knew I was being held back and was so thankfull that I even had the chance to do the loop and wrestle (along with haul Lawler's ring) for an almost a 4 year stretch. I learned too much. Only the indy talent smart enough to know it wasn't their time or who loved the biz so much that they would stay on independents to do it for next to nothing just so that they could go over on the less talented were the ones who understood. Most younger talents just lied to themselves and said, They wouldn't make me no job-boy. I was only learning and even knew being green that given the chance you'd have to be a fool in any context if you love the biz enough like I did (I moved from Jersey to Memphis) to pass up just being given the opportunity

GJ: Given the current state of Memphis Wrestling (low ratings, small crowds, cancelled shows) Do you think the benefits of doing jobs on television (getting exposure, paying dues, getting a chance to work with "legends") outweigh the damage it does to your reputation on small local indy shows?

TM: There is next to no money anyway on what is left in the sad state of the Memphis independents. I'll put it to you this way, Vince McMahon will be here tomorrow night (August 8, 2006) and I promise you, every single job-guy in the whole area from Channel 30 will be there.

GJ: Another hot topic in the area (thanks to an article in Brian Tramel's WrestlingRiotOnline) is wrestlers still using the Moondog gimmick on shows despite the fact that Moondog Spot's family has asked that people let the gimmick be buried with Larry Booker, Do you think it's right for people to continue to make money off the gimmick he helped make famous?

TM: It is the worst thing about the biz I've seen in years that on a personal note makes me wanna puke. The only time I've ever went into any detail about Spot's death was in the December 8, 2003 Wrestling Observer and I did it to clear the record and make sure Dave Meltzer got all the facts right. It took me 4 months to even talk about Spotty's death other than with his sons Jo Jo (Jody) and Bubba (James). He was my best friend and a father figure and someone I idolized. His stories and thinking for the entire business and passion for it are untopped. I know respect is more than due to a guy who took so much of his time in helping so much of the younger talent. The amazing thing is Spot never asked for a single thing in return.

GJ: Looking at the "big picture" from the old days of CWA up through USWA, Power Pro, and the current Memphis show, Where do you feel the true decline in Memphis Wrestling began? Could it have been avoided?

TM: Randy F***ing Hales and no, It could never have been avoided. You couldn't get through to him, like I mentioned before, Macklin has underated promo skills, what did Hales offer the business?

GJ: Do you think it can be salvaged? If they handed over the reigns of Memphis Wrestling to you tommorow, what would you do to try to bring it back to it's past glory?

TM: No, wrestling just works in cycles, the entire business is down, this next boom period will definitely surpass the last one. My duties right now are providing the old DVDs/VHS for the 'Opening the Vault' segments, booking the guys out of town to various promoters and throwing in an idea or two. The boys always come by for old videos and stuff. I don't have to leave the house any more. I just don't have the desire to climb into a ring since 2003 and I m essentially a health-nut at around 165 lbs. now. I just live out my true passion for my love of the actual business itself and wouldn't want all the fingers pointed at me if things continued down. I feel so fortunate that they (the office) value my opinions and I am kinda harsh to the guys at times but in all, the day they come to me with the book is the day I know Memphis has gone insane!

As for bringing back the glory years, all the voices speak and want the blood, brawls, dirty arena look, blood stained canvas, guys working tighter, younger undersized talent (Memphis was NEVER built on size) with speed and zip in what they do. THOSE were all that the glory days. We can't go back to how it was, it would take too long to reprogram the fans and clearly the promotion is more than still profitable.

GJ: I've heard various stories from different people, Was the infamous Power Pro "Doug Gilbert Shoot", really a shoot, or a "worked shoot" that maybe got out of hand? I was told Jerry Lawler (who wasn't working there at the time) raced down there from his house to the studio. This was told to me by a well known worker who was there at the time. Any truth to that?

TM: Worked or shoot? C'mon cousin, let's look at the repercussions shall we: Hales had money liquidated out of his paychecks from the Gilbert family for years afterwards, Lawler attempts to sue Hales, Doug Gilbert gets fired, Tommy Rich quits that night. Lawler goes roughly 4 years before even speaking to Doug (Doug broke the ice with a "Hello King" greeting to Jerry at the Memphis International Airport). YEAH! Lawler sure did march into the studio, about 10 minutes after it happened, he looked at Corey and said, I ain't got a f***ing thing to say to you, turned and found that jerkoff Hales and said to him, I wanna copy of that tape and I am suing you. They've since bridged the gap, Jerry and Doug got together and worked things out over a game of golf but it took years for things to cool off.

GJ: What is your all time personal favorite Memphis angle?

TM: I am so glad you didn t do this interview over the phone-lol. Ok, the Dundee-Lawler promos back and forth in '86. I just got goosebumps thinking of Dundee screaming, 1, 2, 3 and you re gone, outta here Lawler, incredible and unsurpassed.

GJ: Outside of the occasional "Legend's Show", Do you feel it's good for business for guys Bill Dundee's age to still be on tv every week, going over on the younger talent?

TM: He doesn't always go over and he really takes his time in helping out the younger guys with advice. I don't know how guys like him, Lawler, Brian Christopher, Koko Ware, Brickhouse and Robert Gibson have the patience with the younger talent. I go nuts on them when they get in the way of a VHS I am grabbing for in my basement-lol

Sunday, October 22, 2006

IWF Benefit Show in Fulton, MS. on Nov. 11th!

Larry the Cable the Guy- without the gimmick

This isn't wrestling related but someone sent it to me. It's a video of Dan Whitney a.k.a. Larry the Cable Guy doing stand up before he got the Larry the Cable Guy gimmick. Check it out.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Check out the new 'Cheap Heat' Podcast!!

Now you don't have to just read my bullshit, you can listen to it as well!

Monday, October 16, 2006

Long time, no update

Well it's been a long time since I've posted anything here as what little spare time I've had, I've had to use to write my column on I plan to write some new stuff here soon. Also, it looks like I may be coming out of retirement already as I have plans to wrestle at least two more times before the end of the year. More details on that in the next couple of weeks. Check back soon.


Sunday, August 06, 2006

Cheap Re-Heat Video Review- Southern Discomfort

Speaking of videos a couple of years ago I heard about a video/documetary called 'Southern Discomfort: Life on the indie circuit'. I was intrigued by the concept of a 'beyond the mat' type documentary of indie wrestling so 2 years later I finally landed a copy of it. Here's what I got....... Rather than a full blown "documentary" on indy wrestling it's documenting a "outlaw" show in Anniston, Alabama in 1995. We start out with an old man (the promoter) hanging posters and then cut to the local high school gym where Rick Montana(they act like we should know him?) is setting up a ring. It should be noted right off that this took place in '95, before the death of kayfabe, it was on life support, but not dead. So this tape drifts in and out of kayfabe at different points. Well Rick Montana informs us that he 'rassled' for years but a knee injury forced him out of the ring, and and now he has a less active role. But apparently his legions of fans demand his return everytime he goes anywhere but, "I don't see it happening", (remember that for later) Anyhow we now cut to a rabid crowd(literally in some cases) and for some reason decide to ask some of them why they like "rasslin". Here's a quote, "I come to see tha gud rasslers not dem sorry ones off tha street but tha gud ones like Joe Armstong and tha Iron Sheik and dem." (Joe Armstong?, perhaps he meant Bob who is on the card) Anyway, we now go to the dressing room to meet some of the "stars", a few I recognized like Jack Lord and Bulldog Raines(who I think used a different name then) We then hear from some local guy who has a belt and some skank(credit:Dwight Bradford) with him and he's wearing a Jim Beam hat. He cuts a total kayfabe promo to the camera about only being in the business to "kick ass and defend this belt" they then show some of his awesome heel mic work with grownbreaking stuff like, "you people need some soap, you stink!" and things of that nature. We then meet his opponent a masked man named Shanghai Pierce, while he is clearly dressed like him it is not Mark Canterbury who did the gimmick in WCW. He too while wearing his mask cuts a kayfabed promo about his all important belt which he claims to be the "NWA World Title", ......mmmkay. They show clips from the match which isn't worth mentioning. We then meet Bambi and Peggy Lee Leather, who can work but I fast forwarded through it cause I really don't care and I didn't figure they would tell how they are dikes that actually live together and travel all over working the same match everynight......Next we hear from "Bullet" Bob Armstrong as he tells some of his background in the business, which I'm sure most of you know. We then meet his opponent the Masked Flame, who is not in fact Jody Hamilton(the Original in Alabama) but is actually Jim Barnhill manager of the local Jack's Hamburgers in Anniston. We get to see Jim without his mask sitting at a table at Jack's telling about his weekend antics as a 'rassler'. We then get a tour of the restaraunt where he takes time to shill the lunch specials,"We have a great selection at a great price", He shows us where they bake the biscuits and brags that he bakes the "best biscuit you ever put in your mouth".(Ha! Take that Hulk Hogan, you may be the biggest star in wrestling, but how's your biscuits, brother?) Anyway, they intertwine this with footage of him "wrestling", here's the picture. A balding guy in his late forties, early fifties, short and dumpy comes out wearing some tights three sizes too small, some amatuer wrestling type shoes, and a big sweatshirt and a mask it looks like he bought off the gimmick table when Continental came to town in 1985. Well we are treated to clips of this trainwreck of a "match" and they then cut to the back when "Bullet" Bob gets back in the dressing room, I'm expecting a tirade about how bad the guy sucked but instead I got.....Our good friend The Bullet trying to kayfabe us by trying to say this is the same Flame that tried to burn him in Birmingham in '86!! WTF!?!? So anyways next we get the Iron Sheik doing his tired ass Iranian Club deal at an intermission and then we meet his opponent, some tool dressed up like an f'n Power Ranger. The Power Ranger tells how he wrestles all over the world and what great payoffs he gets working a couple of shows a day every weekend. He never took off the mask but he seemed awful familiar, I'm gonna watch it again cause I'd almost swear it's someone I've met. Well as you can imagine it was a high flying spotfest with the Sheik winning with a Shooting Star Press!! actually it was the steaming turd you imagined with the Sheik winning with the Camel Clutch. Now after a show filled with kayfabe we suddenly cut to the dressing room where a masked man and someone else are practicing the finish to the main event battle royal....which is a check on a pole type thing. They show clips of the battle royal with the man in the blue "Mr Olympia" type mask climbing up and winning the check and the battle royal. He then unmasks to reveal he is actually the world famous Rick Montana who just earlier told us he had bad knees and would never wrestle did they get me!! ..............And that's ends. That apprently is life on the indie circuit.......I would still recommend seeing it if you get the chance and it will help you understand why some people look down their nose at you when you say your a wrestling fan.

Friday, August 04, 2006

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Cheap Re-Heat: Cheap Heat Wrestling (C.H.W.)

With all the stupid shit being posted by Shawn Dandridge, I decided to repost a series of things I used to put in my columns making fun of him and other dumbass wannabe promoters.
With that being said I want to make an announcement, I am starting my own promotion, Yes, I will be Gene Jackson, Chairman of Cheap Heat Wrestling (C.H.W.) As "Chairman" I would like to announce our first show will be in Huntsville, Alabama on September 18th at 8pm at the Von Braun Civic Center entitled, 'Please Come Watch this Crap' It will feature C.H.W. Superstars: The War Machine, Lo-Ball, The "New" Brooklyn Brawler, Stretch Cunningham, Cocoa Puff, The Amazing White Guys, Former WCW star Lash Leroux.........'s 3rd cousin Flash Leroux, "The Shiznit" Turd Furgeson, Freddie Guerrero, and some guy in a LaParka outfit. PLUS!!!! at intermission an autograph session with Memphis Wrestling Legend, "The Yellow Jacket", and some lucky fan will win a drawing to be the #1 Contender to the CHW title and wrestle in the MAIN EVENT!! Tickets will be $5 per person. (Anyone with a figures inc. title belt we can borrow will get in free) MORE NEWS ON CHW later in this column!!

CHW Update......The "Chairman" of CHW has announced due to lack of funds and interest by the fans the September 18th show has been moved across town to the parking lot of the BP station on the corner of Bob Wallace Ave and Memorial Parkway, also the belltime has been changed because Flash Leroux's shift at the BP doenst end til 9:45...sorry for the mix up. Also this will now be a free show. CHW fans can get the latest info at
More to come


Another CHW Update....From the office of the "Chairman"(actually it's his bedroom) it has been announced that Flash Leroux has left CHW in protest after a money dispute(he wanted some) So unfortunatly he had to be let go, but that also means another venue change. The September 18th show will now be taking place in Scooter's (of the Amazing White Guys) Carport. We will also be offering $2 to anyone who will attend and go on and say that we a had a show. It also looks as though "the Yellow Jacket" will not appear as he demanded WE supply his foam bodysuit and it frankly is just not in the budget, sorry fans. However, in his place we have booked a fat black guy who will either be playing "Mabel" or "Kamala" depending on if we can find a leopard skin skirt between now and then. Stay Tuned!!!!


Final CHW Update........Well fans it looks as though the September 18th show will have to be cancelled because Scooter's car has a major oil leak leaving the carport unfit for a respectable wrestling show. Sorry for the inconvience, but never fear, My mom will hopefully give me enough money for my birthday to book a "Legend's Show" in West Memphis in October, We already have Rough & Ready confirmed as well a Jimmy Hart impersonator, and an old guy who sits at the park down from my house that looks a lot like "Handsome Jimmy", More news as it becomes available!!


C.H.W. Update from the "Chairman" Gene Jackson-
Well it looks like the Legends Show isn't going to happen but there is good news CHW fans. My brother bought a camcorder from the local pawn shop at a steal so guess what people, CHW will start tv tapings next month!! We have just finished a deal with local access channels in Memphis, Birmingham, and Huntsville! Our first taping will be October 23 in Birmingham, Alabama. Building to be announced. Time to be announced. Already signed for this show will be all your favorite CHW stars as well as Buff Bagwell's overweight brother, "Fluff" Bagwell, and the "Outlaw's evil twin" D.J. McKay!! Check back soon for more details!!


And here is your Cheap Heat Wrestling update from "Commisioner" Jackson:

Well CHW fans we can confirm we will be having our first set of CHW TV tapings as my brother managed to get a good deal on a set of 2 hour tapes for his new camcorder. These tapings were going to take place in Corinth, Mississippi but with all the commision nonsense going on we had to book them in Alabama. So our first ever tv tapings will be taking place in historic Muscle Shoals, Alabama in the Freds Parking Lot. We promise that this will be the BIGGEST EVENT EVER!! held in the Fred's Parking Lot and this has been home to numerous church car washes, girl scout cookie sales, and even a petting zoo, but this will blow all those out of the water! The admission will be free although the wrestlers will be bringing cups as they make their way around the ring so we encourage everyone to give them donations because we do not pay the wrestlers for tv tapings. Check out this card:

Main Event
CHW World Heavyweight Title
War Machine vs. Andrew the Giant (6'2 500lbs)

CHW Tag Team Titles
The Amazing White Guys (Chip/Scooter) vs. The "New" Midnight Rock&Roll Express Warriors w/"Precious" Paul Cornette

CHW SuperLightheavyweight Title
"The Junior High Sensation" 'Little' Billy Armstong vs. Rey Mysterio Jr Jr

Hardcore Texas Death Thumbtacks Exploding Glass 9mm on a Pole Match
Buck Nasty vs. Prophet (some of you will know who that is)

Plus more matches and meet former WWE superstar Head (disclaimer: Al Snow will not be appearing)

Also next month we will be running another tv taping in Red Bay, Alabama and if my co-owner can get a title loan on his car we will be bringing in a former World Champion!! This will be the BIGGEST THING EVER IN RED BAY!!!

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

The Truth comes out......

Someone sent me this picture of the "Chairman" showing his undying support for his "hero."


Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Saturday, July 08, 2006

FLASHBACK: Axeman's In the Spotlight w/ Gene Jackson

(This was something else I found going through those old discs, Axeman's In the Spotlight Interview with me. I enjoyed this and thought I'd repost it here for those that may have missed the first time around a couple of years ago.)

This edition of In The Spotlight focuses on "The War Machine," Gene Jackson. I asked Gene a number of questions, and found his responses to be quite interesting. I'm sure you will, too!

As always, I need to remind you that the opinions expressed in this column are not necessarily those of Hollywood Jimmy Blaylock, The Axeman, or anyone else connected with this site.

When & how did you get into wrestling?

"I was a MAJOR wrestling fan for most of my life. I always wanted to get into the business but never really knew how. In early 1996, I found a number to Bill Dundee's wrestling school and I called and talked to him and wasn't really impressed and didn't really think much else about it. Then a DJ in Columbus started running shows at the Lavender Coliseum with Davey Rich, Steve Armstrong, etc. I asked the promoter after the show who I would talk to about getting trained and he told me, "Sammy Hall." So I talked to Sammy and he gave me his number and said he didn't have anywhere to do any training at the time but to keep in touch. Well about a year past and I had finished school at Northeast Community College and I seen a poster for a show in Saltillo, MS. I went to the show and talked to Sammy and he was training Chris Kilgore, Josh Holly, and Tony Dabbs at the time. I went and worked out with them and he agreed to train me. Due to scheduling conflicts with work, I missed a couple of months but around October of '97 I started training regularly and in December I debuted doing a run-in on a match pitting Sammy and Big Bubba Monroe against the Fly Boyz. I couldn't come up with a name and I was kinda thrown out there for my first match so I decided to use the name of the only suitable ring music in my car, 'War Machine' by Kiss. I was only gonna use it temporarily 'til I came up with something better, but it stuck, and despite several attempts to change it over the years, it's still what most people know me as."

Who trained you?

"Mostly Sammy Hall, but Chris Kilgore, Josh Holly, and Tony Dabbs played a major part in my training."

When and where was your first match?

"My first actual match was in January of '98 in Saltillo, MS. teaming with Chris Kilgore (as a masked babyface no less.....don't ask) against Bobby and Rocky Ewing, it was a fun little match and those guys were great to work with. The next month I got my first win in a singles match as a heel against "House of Pain" Keely Rhodes who was very generous in offering to put my green ass over, I really appreciated that."

Who has been the biggest influence on you as a wrestler and why?

"I studied a lot of heels over the years and tried to implement a lot of the stuff I had learned watching them. I really wish I had the time and opportunity to work these days, as I feel after stepping away from it for a while and watching so much old school wrestling I would be a lot better at it today (psychology wise, not work wise). In the past I was bad to do things that amused ME, or friends in the crowd, than doing what would get over the best. (I GUESS THIS IS MORE OF AN ANSWER TO THE NEXT QUESTION) Anyhow, I was kind of ironic as I downed old school thinking and tried to rebel, yet worked a totally old school ring style. But anyway, to answer your question, at the time I started wrestling I was a big fan of the Outsiders, and was a big fan of Brian Pillman's Loose Cannon gimmick, and I really loved Bret Hart's heel run before leaving for WCW, and of course DeGeneration X was the inspiration for a lot of mine and Neil's antics (inside the ring, and in the back) during our run as Southern Destruction and prior to that as 'The New Breed'."

What organizations have you worked for, and where are you currently working?

"Bad Boys Promotions, IWF, CWA, MSWA, MUWA, NWA MS, TWA, and a whole lot of other initials I won't bore you with. No I'm currently not involved with wrestling other than writing for"

What championships have you held? Do you currently hold a title?

"The IWF Tag Titles (twice), the ICWF Tag Titles(a few times), the Bad Boys Tag Titles, and the CWA Light-heavyweight Title (no that's not a misprint.....long story). As for currently, I own a replica NWA title belt so I guess that makes me as much of a champion as most on the indy scene."

Hold it, I just gotta know about you holding the CWA Light-heavyweight Title.

"LOL...O.K. In Corinth they were doing an angle where Johnny Dotson was the CWA Light-heavyweight Champion, and manager Honest John was bringing in challengers each week to try to take the title. Well, after a couple of weeks of failing with light-heavyweights, he promised the next week he had someone who would take the title for sure. The following Friday, Johnny was in the ring and Honest John came out alone. Dotson asked him 'where's the challenger,' so while he had his back turned I hit the ring and they rang the bell and the title match began. I dominated him for several minutes until he finally made a comeback. After a flurry of moves, he got me down and nailed a frog splash from the top rope. Honest John jumped on the apron and distracted the ref., while my valet at the time slid in the ring and nailed Dotson in the back of the head with a high heel shoe, allowing me to get the pin and the CWA Light-heavyweight Title. However then promoter Rodney Grimes came out moments later and stripped me of the title with a ridiculous claim that I was 'over the weight limit' for the division, to which I threatened to file a discrimination lawsuit, but unfortunately the decision stood. So, that's how much like Bret Hart, I was SCREWED out of the CWA Light-heavyweight title.

What are your goals in wrestling?

"To have a couple of more matches and to have people on there way home say, 'you know that fat guy can't wrestle worth a s***, but he's pretty funny'."

What are some of your biggest accomplishments in wrestling so far?

"I've beaten Ricky Franks at least 99 consecutive times. I got to tag with Don Bass (may not mean much to most people but I thought it was pretty cool to work with someone I grew up watching). "Handsome" Jimmy Valiant has put me out with a sleeper twice. I once pinned "Mega Man" Rodney Grimes for the title in Corinth!! (O.K. I made that up, but that woulda been pretty cool huh!). I worked a couple of shows with legends from my childhood like Greg Valentine and Jake "the Snake" Roberts and actually witnessed one of them snorting cocaine in the dressing room (and not the one you'd think). And my biggest accomplishment in wrestling, Tommy "Wildfire" Rich, former NWA World Champion (well for a week at least) talked a Sheriff in Greenwood, Mississippi into not taking me to jail for "trying to run over some people". (Yes that is a true story, ask Neil)."

Hold it, I just have to know about that incident in Greenwood. Details, please.

"O.K., to this day I'm still not clear exactly what happened here, but here's the story. Neil and I went to Greenwood to do an ACW show for Rick Ivey. It was a big show at some kind of festival, and he had Jake Roberts, Doug Gilbert, Buddy Landell, Tommy Rich, Big Don Brodie, amongst others there. Well, we had trouble figuring out how to get to the tent/dressing room, and were basically told we had to drive through the middle of a bunch of people. Well, there was another truck heading in so we followed it. At one point we had to make a sharp turn around a tree, and the wheels kind of slid around a little bit because it was grass, but I really didn't notice anyone around the area. So we get to the tent and are about to go in when this Sheriff walks up and asks to speak to the driver of the silver Buick. So I say 'that's me.' He tells me some woman claimed I was cutting donuts and nearly hit her kids. Well this pissed me off because it was ridiculous, and I told the guy, 'They're full of s**t, I wasn't even close to anyone, and I sure as h*** wasn't cutting any donuts.' He then said, 'well why would they say that?' I replied, 'I couldn't tell why, but it isn't true.' And with that I turned and went on into the tent and started getting ready for my match, not really thinking much else about it. Shortly after that, Tommy Rich comes over to me and tells me I was 'pretty stupid to talk to a cop like that, take it from someone whose dealt with them plenty.' I agreed, but still really didn't think much about it. Later, towards the end of the show, a couple of the guys told me while I was in the ring the cop came back looking for me and was gonna arrest me, but Tommy eventually talked him out of it, assuring him I was just a smart ass kid and didn't mean anything by it. I went and thanked Tommy after-wards and apologized to the cop. From that point on every time I worked a show with Tommy he would ask me 'how many kids did you mow down in the parking lot?' I have to say I gained a lot of respect for him for that, 'cause he didn't know me. He could have easily stood back and let me go to jail and laugh at my dumb ass for getting smart with a cop, but he didn't and that's cool."

What is your biggest asset as far as wrestling is concerned?

"My mouth and my natural ability for making people despise me, whether intentional or not."

What has been your biggest challenge in wrestling?

"Being a fat ass. Not many 60 minute iron man matches on my resume....and my natural ability for making people despise me, whether intentional or not."

In your opinion, what is the biggest challenge facing pro wrestling today?

"The death of kayfabe and the fact that it has become cool to be a smark and rip on everything. I mean does anyone even like wrestling anymore. People go to shows just so they can shred it on the message boards. It's gotten pathetic. With that being said, the fact that there is very little good to be said about wrestling these days from the WWE down to your local Community Center don't help. Times are bad."

What advice would you give to someone who is considering getting into wrestling?

"DON'T!! It sucks you in, it gets to you. No matter how pure your intentions, how much you love it, and your only doing it for love of the business, it gets to you and gets in your head and swells your ego and eventually drains all the fun out of it. I'm not saying that as a knock on anyone, I'm saying that from personal experience. I believed there was no one who could hold a candle to me. Now I watch tapes of me wrestling and I'm totally embarrassed, and I'm pretty sure that most of the guys putting themselves over on the boards aren't seeing the same thing I am when they watch themselves. I don't hold it against anybody, it happens to everybody at some point. Some people come back down to earth while others write fan letters to themselves on the internet."

What do you like best about being a professional wrestler?

"Making people react the way you want them to, that was always the biggest thrill to me, going out there and getting the response I wanted. But besides that, it would have to be the friends I made. They say there are no friends in this business. But I made a lot, a ton of casual friends. But people like Tony Dabbs, BoJangles, Chris Kilgore, Josh Holly, these guys are like family to me. I used to hang out with them all the time outside of wrestling, and even though we hardly even get a chance to talk on the phone anymore, I still consider Neil Taylor to be my best friend in the world. He helped me out in the lowest times of my life, and kept me from getting kicked out into the street on more than one occasion, when I lived in Fulton and didn't have a job. Truth be known, around that time he carried me more outside the ring than he did in our tag matches, and for that I will always be deeply thankful even if I've never said it to him face to face. And on that subject, I'm glad he's getting the chance to work with guys like Bobby Eaton, and be on big shows and on TV. He deserves it, he lives and breathes wrestling, has devoted a lot of time and effort to it, and deserves to get ahead."

What are your other interests, hobbies, etc.?

"Sadly, not many. I go to work, go to school, spend time with my wife, and watch wrestling. Not exciting but it suits me."

Last but not least, if my memory serves me correctly, you were in a match, in the SCW or early IWF days, involving Danny B Good, at the Salvation Army in Tupelo. Danny got really angry about something that happened in the match, and had some not-so-nice things to say to you. What was that all about?

"I wrote a whole big thing on this a year or so ago on my website and don't really want to rehash it again in light of the stuff going on right now. Basically it was something that got out of hand and everyone's temper got out of hand, but I TAKE FULL BLAME FOR IT. And even after all that, Danny has been nothing but nice to me since and I'm not going to bash him just because everyone else is mad at him right now. The thing at the Salvation Army was something that shouldn't have happened and it stemmed from me taking something that was a work personal, because I was green at the time and should have known better."

I gave Gene some names of people connected with wrestling, and asked him to tell me what he thought of these individuals. Here's what he had to say:

Hollywood Jimmy Blaylock: "Never a dull moment with Jimmy. Had alot of fun working with him, be it announcing, being apart of the 'clique', or just sitting around shooting the bull at his store."

Tony Dabbs: "Member of the 'Fulton Bad Boy Clique', he's like family to me, I worked with him from the very beginning training, first person I ever tagged with on a regular basis, we could give each other total hell and neither of us ever took it personal, always had fun whether in the ring or staggering around in his yard on a Saturday night (as Death Wish was so kind to bring up recently)."

Josh Holly: "LOL, man at times some people would have sworn Josh and I hated each other, we would dog the hell out of each other, but he's another one of the 'fulton boys', despite all our b.s we were always tight, We had some great times like our trip to Dallas, which was something I'll never forget."

Chris Kilgore: "My best matches I ever worked were with Chris, we always thought alike and never really had to plan or say what we were gonna do, we could pop the hell out of a crowd with the most simple b.s., I learned a lot from him. Another one of the 'family', I hate we all don't see each other anymore.

Pure Destruction: "Bruno (Cody), I've known for quite awhile since he was working for Sammy when I first started. Didn't hang out with him much outside of wrestling, but he was always nice to me and easy to work with in the ring. Brody, I worked with some but don't know all that well. They started their team right after I left, but from what I've seen they've taken that brother gimmick and ran with it and became one of (if not the) most successful tag teams in the state."

Sammy Hall: "Sammy and I have not always seen eye to eye on everything but I've always respected him and have always appreciated all he did for me, training me and giving me the opportunity to get started in wrestling. I learned a lot from him and even though I may not have seen it at the time he really did a lot of things to make sure we were trained properly and knew how to work, and honestly I ripped off alot of my heel stuff from him."

Keely Rhodes: "Keely gets a bad rap sometimes but I have to say that Keely was one of the first people who helped me out in the business and offered to put me over in only my second match, when he really didn't have to and I've never forgotten that.

Leslie Jones: "Leslie and I have had an interesting friendship as long as I've known him dating back to when he was running Trendz in the mall, working for SCW and I was working for Sammy and I would come by and we would compare notes on things. I like Leslie and I think he likes me although I've always felt he doesn't totally trust me for whatever reason, but he did push the hell outta me and Neil in the IWF even though it wasn't popular with the 'home team', and for that I'm grateful."

Johnny Dotson: "Great worker, I had a lot of fun teaming with him and Alan Steel when I first started in Corinth, glad to see he's still working."

Johnny Morton: "I've gotten along good with Johnny except for one night in Batesville when Neil and I caused him to throw a hissy fit in the dressing room over our commentary of his match."

The Stud, Scott Porteau: "Smooth worker, hilarious in the dressing room. I always enjoyed working with him and he and Wraith went out of there way to make 'Southern Destruction' look good when we came to IWF."

Ricky Franks: "I've had hundreds of matches with Ricky Franks, poor Ricky took some helacious beatings that were supposed to be matches by being around at the wrong place at the wrong time when I was pissed about different things. A great guy outside the ring with a lot of heart for wrestling and eventually learned how to inject some personality into it, which made a world of difference."

Outlaw Don Bass: "'s so entertaining just to sit and listen to him tell stories and cut up in the dressing room...and in the ring. Being in Bass' Posse in Corinth was a lot of fun."

Jimmy Valiant: "It was so strange to be in the ring with someone I had grown up watching all my life. My dad was really amused by the fact I got to work with Handsome Jimbo."

Tommy Rich: "Another guy I had watched all my life. Very moody, one time you'll see him he'll be the nicest guy in the world the next time he was like a total different person. But I've heard the same said about me so....."

Don Brodie: "One of the nicest guys I met in the business. Always liked working for Brodie, he was always very good to me."

Jake Roberts: "Crack head...disappointment. I was so excited to get to be on a show with Jake 'the Snake' Roberts the first time, but to see what he has become is pathetic. Beyond the Mat was a dead-on portrayal of what a sad sad story his life has become."

Doug Gilbert: "Easy to work with but a lot like Tommy, you never knew which Doug you were going to encounter."

Jerry Lawler: "Never gotten to work with him, but I've watched him all my life and he is a legend, and it's just sad his legacy is gonna end up being that of the 'dirty old man' commentator, rather than the Memphis hero he portrayed for years."

Bo Jangles: "A great friend and another person I had good matches with. Anywhere you went people loved him, he has such an energy when he comes to ring, classic baby face!"

Bobby Eaton: "A legend of tag team wrestling, The Midnight Express vs. Rock-n-Roll Express will always be the greatest, longest running tag feud in history. He, Lane, and Cornette complemented each other so well, they were like a machine."

The Asylum (Psycho & Wraith): "Wraith is a great guy, I worked with him (and for him) many times. Psycho, I know a little from Gibson. I hear they are a great team, I've never gotten to see them work together."

Danny B Good: "Danny is one of the few workers who is just as a good as a baby face as he is a heel, I've seen crowds goes nuts cheering and I've seen people ready to kill him and he does them both well.

"In closing, I just want to say to my critics, I know I was a not a good wrestler, and I don't claim to have been, nor do I think that people really care what I have to say about anything. I just think that I do know a little about this business and might have some views that some people may find entertaining, and to those people, I thank them for reading, and to the others, well you need something to b**** about, so I'll provide something. Everybody wins."

Cheap Re-Heat: Interview w/ Leslie Jones 2004


GJ: What do you consider to be IWF's most successful angle?

LJ: The ownership angle because it was a true wrestling storyline. It was well thought out and every detail was planned to have the most impact at the right time with the right people. Heck it lasted almost 6 months because of all the twist that were involved. Myself being suspended, me firing Parental Advisory then they come back to a show where they are arrested, My arrival via limo along with the neat production aspects added to the “owner’s” entrance, me firing Vision and telling her she can valet but only had a week to find someone to valet for then she brought out Parental Advisory to make me have the old mud on the face routine. It was a great plot and even was written about in Pro Wrestling Illustrated that year. It kept fans glued to there television sets every week wondering what was going to happen next and when would the IWF owner be revealed.

GJ: If you could go back in time and talk to Leslie Jones in 1998 when you were first starting IWF, what advice would give yourself that would have helped you out back then?

LJ: I hate to say it but do not trust anybody. This business called wrestling is a cut throat business even on a small independent level. I have made many friends over the years but also made a few not so good of friends as well. I am an honest person and a trusting guy and in the wrestling world that is not good traits to have some of the time so I would have told myself to keep my guard up and not be so trusting if I knew then what I know now.

GJ: I know from talking to you personally and also from reading it on the boards, your goal with the IWF from day 1 was to get regional t.v. and to get on t.v. in Memphis, you succeded at both. However what did you hope to obtain from that? Were your hopes fullfilled when you accomplished that, or was it not all you expected?

LJ: I had hoped to accomplish a lot by going on television in Mississippi. I feel that we did. You have to remember at the start of the IWF SLAM tv run wrestling in general was frowned upon by many. WWE was doing some outlandish stuff at the time and many buildings and advertisers, etc. were scared or not impressed with wrestling due to it not being “family programming”. I took a group of young talented guys that could be your next door neighbor or the guy you work with everyday and with everyone working hard IWF put out a product that was entertaining, exciting, upbeat, and family friendly. In IWF programming you did not hear a bunch of cussing and foul language. You also did not see questionable storylines that could be considered immoral or offensive. You did not see a bunch of half naked women that were only there for the T and A factor. You did not see a bunch of so called “superstars” from the past who didn’t want to work or even so called “stars” of today that cost huge amounts of money and really wouldn’t do anything or be interested in helping the show but only be interested in their personal “big payout”.What you saw Gene was workers who busted their asses for the love of this business to put on a great show for the fans who paid their hard earned money to buy a ticket and all of those who watched at home each week. So yes as far as the Mississippi tv run I had all my hopes fullfilled plus some. I feel if it were not for the IWF tv show that many of the fans going to other shows in the North Mississippi area and those fans watching other shows on tv now may not have ever become a wrestling fan if IWF had not help pave the way with our tv show. As far as the short Memphis television run IWF had I was not fullfilled at all with that and in fact looking back on it now it should have never happened. Financially it was a nightmare although it was a ratings winner. The show even airing at an awful time of 1:30 am slot drew huge numbers and Fox was very pleased with the show. However due to lack of management,organization, and lack of finances it was short lived.. But, hey I can say IWF was on Memphis tv and ratings wise it was a success.

GJ: As a promoter, if you could pick ANY wrestler past or present to have appeared on one of your shows, who would that be, and why?

LJ: Ric Flair just because I personally feel that he was a pioneer and even though Hulk Hogan will always be considered to be the guy to put wrestling “on the map” I think that Ric Flair help put the “smalltime/territorial” wrestling on the map back in the early days. And hell man he’s the best talker on the mic in the business

GJ: Knowing what you know now, do you think that it is possible to run a PROFITABLE wrestling promotion on a regional level with no one like WWE supporting you(i.e. Ohio Valley Wrestling)?

LJ: I think it is possible but not very probable. At the height of IWF and the peak of the success of the tv show I held the record for being the promoter in the area who spent the most money in order to put on the best show. Thousands of dollars a month were spent month in and month out on a professional film crew to film the shows and then edit that footage and create the best wrestling show on television. I am talking about an award winning production company that traveled all over the USA doing projects for tons of clients and IWF was the number two client in amount of dollars spent with that company. Hell as many know I had a successful store in the mall in Tupelo and I eventually had to close it due to the fact I drained it dry by spending every cent I had on IWF Wrestling. Therefore I have been there and I tell you Gene it might could happen but it would be tough unless you inherited some money or maybe won the lottery

GJ: What do you feel caused the notorious walkout of the IWF, and did it really lead to it's eventual downfall as some people claim?

LJ: First of all the so called big walkout was nothing more than all of us having our heads up our asses. The success of the tv show made many folks feel they were irreplacable and also made many of us be hardheaded when it came to the creative end of the show. Looking back on it now I just laugh and wonder how we all could have been so damn stupid. Everyone involved then are still talking to one another and everyone has buried the hatchett and we are all friends. The show did take a new direction for a while but to be honest that was the point that financially the show was in trouble anyway so it was not going to be long before televison was going to have to be given up for a while and that is another reason why the fussing started anyway. Stress was at an all time high during that time period. So lack of money to keep up with the cost of production was the so called down fall of IWF tv ,not any one or any group of people not working for the company anymore. And again it was not a “downfall”. It was just the end of the IWF SLAM tv show for a while. I did return later and plan to return again when the timing is right

GJ: What do you think makes you such a target on the message boards for criticism, and being blamed for the majority of negative things posted on the board here at

LJ: I am a target because of one word and when I say this oh the crap it will stir up on Jimmy’s board but it is the truth so here you go ... JEALOUSY. Gene im going to speak from the heart here for a while and I am either going to be classified as the guy who’s wishing I was on DCW tv or be classified as the sonofabitch who is bitter or whatever so I can’t win when discussing this subject matter ,but you know I can tell the truth. The truth is that many people of done lots for wrestling in the area but for now lets concentrate on Tupelo and the North Mississippi area. Moons ago wrestling was in Tupelo every Friday night downtown in the Gardner Watson Ice Building or whatever it is called today. Anyway its downtown. The promoters back then were the first to help wrestling in the Tupelo area. Along the way you had Sammy Hall who ran shows forever it seems then you also had Chris Kilgore both of who ran there version of Bad Boys Promotions ,You had Keely Rhodes who ran SCW. Then you had me and the IWF. Now basically many workers just moved from whatever company to the next whenever someone new opened up. Everyone was one big family and everyone respected each other. Now Keely’s SCW was on comcast channel 9 first so technically SCW did tv first in Tupelo however me with the IWF was the first to put wrestling on in north mississippi on a Regional station which ofcourse was WKDH . At that time( and here comes the first comment I will get slammed for but it is the truth) and even now I feel the IWF tv show was the best. I spent the money to make it have the best production possible. The shows had great plots and storylines which made people want to watch every week. Hands down it was number 1 from a production standpoint and most agree it still is number one today comparatively dealing with that aspect of the show. Lighting, sound, organization, everything dealing with production my show could not and can not be beat. Secondly No matter how big or fancy a building you hold shows in and no matter what so called superstars you book from the present or legends from the past if your show does not have a constant and followable, understandible exciting set of stories then it is lacking something. Just merely bringing in “big names” for one or two appearance may get a few more fans to come out that night but it really does nothing to help build the show long term. For example DCW rented the coliseum and brought in Kevin Nash and yes to some that seems real impressive but look what happened. Nash couldnt even be used on television and from what I understand was not in the ring but just a few minutes. Now did that help or hurt that show. Well it may not hurt it but in my opinion the one thing we did at IWF is we took the “true local talent” and “built” the company around those guys. Hell Gene we had fans wanting to pay there money to see Justin Envy Or Neil Taylor OR House of Pain OR Parental Advisory. The IWF fans could have cared less about a huge building or seeing a former legend or a pay per view star. There passion was seeing folks that with the proper knowledge and proper booking became as big as a star in there minds as any former hasbeen. Therefore in my opinion nobody has come close to duplicating the success IWF had as far as tv goes to this point. No stars, no legends, no half naked women, no huge coliseums...just plain good old wrestling that was fun to see live and great to watch on tv. The success IWF had on WKDH is the reason I get slammed on the message boards all the time. All the troublemakers claim I am jealous or whatever but in reality they know deep down they are the jealous ones because like it or not IWF as far as tv goes in North Mississippi was the first and will always be the standard by which all other mississippi TV wrestling shows are judged. That standard and reputation is a high one to stand up to.

GJ: Seeing as how I've been out of the loop for quite some time, can you explain to me how your former business partner Dwayne Huckabee(sp?) went from being part of the IWF to starting DCW and what are the main differences between the IWF and DCW? Production wise? Booking Wise? Otherwise?

LJ: As far as Dwayne and my partnership stuff is concerned, Gene I tell you that is still a bit of a mystery to me as well. We agreed to put IWF on Fox13 in Memphis last fall. It should have never happened due to lack of financial backing with sponsors but we were both hardheaded and went forward anyway. Now I think we both had different ideas on what direction the show should go but we did agree that giving Memphis Wrestling some competition was the main goal. I know from the start Dwayne was real big on bringing in “names” for example we brought in Iron Shiek and like I said above what good did that do? Not a damn thing except cost 350 bucks and a hotel room. Dwayne was also big on the women. I necessarily was not against that but I felt some of the asking prices of the female workers was too high. He must be getting a better deal now that he books 6 of them a show. So the show even at 1:30 am which is a terrible time and only being 30 minutes long drew absolute great ratings. Heck we even beat Memphis wrestlings numbers a week or two. However finding advertisers was impossible. Hell me and Dwayne and an advertising company were all working on it and it just did not ever happen. Therefore the money issues became very stressful. Every week we had to meet or talk for hours on the phone about what can we do. Dwayne as most know is a very laid back person and thats ok but me on the other hand I want to get problems solved when they occur. Anyway this money problem plagued us from the start. Finally we did get behind with Fox and they said “ pay up or else”. Well Dwayne said he had no more money and I said I didnt have any more money so then Dwayne said lets see what they mean by “else” and I said they mean “sue” us. He said let them sue. I said no I will take care of it somehow and that night the decision was made for us. No money means NO show. I paid the remainder of the contract buy out to Fox which was two weeks. It was over. Now then only a couple of months later Dwayne starts up DCW and is spending money out the ass on workers, buildings, and tv deals so yes I was a little bewildered so I went to Dwaynes first show in Ripley and he said no big deal, he had no heat with me, and all is cool. I took him at his word and told him I had no heat with him and wished him the best. He claimed he even wanted to work in my Mr. Sensational character into the show and I said thanks man ill be here when youre ready for me. Well after months passing by with only a couple of phonecalls I guess Dwayne just doesnt want to have dealings with me and thats fine. I offered to help out with the show especially in Tupelo because face the facts folks what better person than me to help DCW grow in Tupelo. My offer received no response from Dwayne although some folks on the DCW roster agreed I could be an asset to the show but listen I have no hard feelings and no regrets. I think Dwayne is a nice guy. I still don’t really understand why he never really man to man told me he did not want to be partners or work together anymore but since he is so laid back maybe he tries to avoid problems and conflict where I like to take on problems and conflict straight on and get it over with.. I am not jealous of anyone or anything although it is obvious that DCW is doing everything possible to follow in the IWF’S footsteps. Thy are running the Salvation Army in Tupelo, a building the IWF made famous and just recently they asked Kimble to announce Again following in my footsteps. Do I get mad or jealous about that kind of stuff? Not really cause I take it as a compliment and also I take it as proof positive of what I said earlier . IWF was and is the number one tv show and always will be and for DCW or anyone else to even come close they will have to do the things I did years ago and DCW is doing that by working former IWF guys ,using Kimble, Jimmy, Al Hall,and running shows in my old building. But folks even by doing all that I was told by someone that was there the other night that DCW only had about 80 or so at the Salvation Army for there show. Not bragging but I could come back to Tupelo without tv and not having been around for almost two years and draw that well. That proves my other point I said earlier. Where was any of those supposed 1600 coliseum fans at the other night at the army building? They were at home cause there wasnt a “name” there. If DCW had the local guys being the names like IWF did then more of those supposed 1600 from the coliseum would have been at the Salvation Army. Denise and Wayne and Tony with MUWA and Floyd with DWA are proof that if a show is run with the emphasis being placed on local talent and if good storylines are booked then the fans will show up .Heck DWA and MUWA are still using many of the old IWF crew and to this day even years later both MUWA AND DWA are out drawing DCW on a consistent basis. That proves fans want excitement more than they want names and more than they want the possibility of an WWE developmental deal. I know that possibility is there for DCW but it is a losing proposition for the fans either way. If DCW gets the deal then DCW will become an even staler less exciting show with all the muscled up guys headed to the bigtime and there will be no local presence just like what happened to the guys like Danny and Rocker in KAW a few years back. So the fans lose that way tv wise and as far as live shows wise they want get to see all this talent DCW has been bringing in no matter what they say. If DCW becomes on Vinces payroll then DCW will be run Vinces way and if Vince says no more local yocals they they are gone...end of story. And I hate to say it but it is true and its about business not friendship .If Dwayne is offered the deal and he refuses it cause he cant keep his buddys on the roster then he is an idiot. The guys may not want to admit that but they think that too even if they lose there spot. If Vince shows up asking then DCW should say yes even if every person currently on the roster has to be let go. It is about business here and not friendships if DCW is offered the developmental deal. So in review as of now I feel that MUWA and DWA are tied for number one when it comes to promotions in North MS. They both use local guys and put on quality shows and do it consistently without the hype of “ stars” or “fancy buildings”. There hype is what the sign says...wrestling. I would rank DCW number two or three overall and of course if me and the IWF should show back up sometime in North Ms. Then the rankings might change a little. (LOL)

GJ: There's an old saying, "there are no true friends in wrestling", Would you agree with that statement?

LJ: Gene, if you find a true friend in the business called independent wrestling then hold onto that friendship cause ...yes ...they are hard to find. I am lucky to have many who I consider friends that I met with IWF and even though we may not all agree all of the time they are still friends

GJ: What do you feel is the biggest misconception people in the wrestling business have about Leslie Jones?

LJ: The biggest misconception is that some think I am this jealous, bitter, trouble making guy and the reason they think that is simple. They mistake my honesty and my pride and the fact that I feel IWF is the best for those other things. If someone doesnt like someone elses views then does that automatically make the person giving his opinion an asshole or jealous? NO!! IT JUST MEANS THAT PERSON IS NOT AFRAID TO SAY WHAT’S ON THEIR MINDS EVEN IF SOME OTHER FOLKS MIGHT NOT LIKE IT. SO GET OVER IT AND MOVE ON!!

GJ: Years from now when people look back on Leslie Jones' IWF, what do you think it will be remembered for most? What would you like it to be remembered for most?

LJ: It will be remembered as being the forerunner for wrestling television programming in Mississippi. I t will be remembered for the being the best wrestling tv program North Mississippi ever saw.(up until something is better and nothing has been yet) It will be remembered as a family show where parents could bring the entire family and be entertained and have a good time and see the best indy wrestling available Personally. I would like it to be remembered for the reasons I just mentioned

GJ: To go through all the ups and downs and invest all the time and money you've had into wrestling, you had to have loved it, After everything(and everybody) you've dealt with in the past few years, do you still love it?

LJ: Yes I sure do still love it and as you can see by my long answers to your questions I still have the same passion I had for it when I started out years ago. What I do not have the patience for anymore is all the fighting and backstabbing and lying and jealousy that goes with it these days. I wish everyone could be man or woman enough to post there real names when they write on the message boards. I wish everyone would not be so damn defensive when someone else may give a negative opinion or give constructive criticism about a show or federation. I love Jimmy Blaylock to death and consider him a great friend but I’ve noticed even Jimmy will erase post on his board if they talk negative or criticize DCW. I feel that is wrong and each person is entitled to their own opinion good or bad. AND LATELY why is it that anybody with a thought about DCW that is not positive is automatically characterized as a jealous worker or promoter THAT IS “WISHING” they were a part of DCW. People can talk bad about DWA or MUWA on the boards and you rarely see any response because they are PROFESSIONAL and don’t act like a spoiled 3 year old with a bunch of nonsense responses. Hell I know me and IWF have taken our fair share of smartass comments and putdowns over the years and I am sure there will be many regarding this interview but I’m not crying. Heck let them put me down because I know in my heart what is true..So yes I still love it ....but I do not love the way people act on here sometimes. Promoters and wrestlers should focus there energies and concentrate on one thing...making there show/federation better. They should not be on a message board putting people down and calling people jealous and etc. and using foul language That kind of stuff looks bad to the fans and without the fans what are any of us? NOTHING!! That’s what. An example of that is folks running up votes for IWF, DCW, MUWA on this dang poll Jimmy has going and then trying to get all of us to argue about it. Just is what I call P.D.I. -Pure Damn Ignorance!! And it all should stop!! So with all that being said Gene I still love it and in fact ,believe it or not , I have been approached by some businessmen to develop a show for them . We had a meeting on it a couple of weeks ago. They approached me with the idea they said because they knew of my passion for the business, my ethical attitude, and my vast knowledge of how to produce a successful television show. It is an interesting proposal but I told them the money had to be there, the sponsors had to be signed up, and there would have to be an organized dedicated hard working effort put behind it or I was not interested. We are meeting again the first week in September and at that time I will come on board with the project or wish them luck. So Gene, you may not have heard the last of good old Mr. Sensational Leslie Jones. And I can promise you you have not heard the last of IWF . I am in the middle of planning a huge IWF show that I guess some might refer to as a reunion show. It should be a blast! More info to come soon on that!!

GJ: Is there anything not covered in this interview that you'd like to get off your chest?

LJ: Yes...Finally lets not all forget about the troops fighting for our freedom to let us put on out little wrestling shows. In good faith why cant we just all try to get along and if you disagree with someone’s opinion be mature about it and post mature replies about it if you post on the internet. Remember it is America. Thats why we can all have an opinion on what company is number one or anything else we feel like talking about. Just cause it may not be your opinion does not mean the other person does not have the right to give it. GENE thanks for the forum man. I am sure it will get some attention. Take care and God Bless You And God Bless America!! Oh yea 1 more thing... IWF WRESTLING..........NUFF SAID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Cheap Re-Heat Coming Soon!

Last night I came across a disk that has the first year's worth of Cheap Heat columns I wrote for and some of the interviews I did. Over the course of the next few weeks I'm gonna be posting some of the stuff from those columns that I still find amusing, kind of a "Best of Cheap Heat" if you will. I hope everyone enjoys it.


Monday, June 19, 2006

The Infamous Doug Gilbert Lawler Shoot

Found this on youtube, if you've never seen it, check it out.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Oh No Canun is maad @ mee

It's funny everyone claims they want people to post under their real name and give their honest opinion but as soon as you do they cry like little bitches. Before we get to the retard, let's talk about Mr. GTW, Dudley Williams. Now when I said what I did about GTW, I in no way attacked him personally. I simply gave my honest assessment of GTW as a wrestling company and his promoting skills(or lack of). So how does he respond, "there's nothing good to say about Gene." Hmm, how about he worked two times on my shitty show last time for next to nothing because I had no workers cause I don't have the good fuckin' sense to call and actually try to book workers, which is good since you don't bother to advertise your show either, I guess you hope by some miracle wrestlers and fans will just show up, "if you book it, they will come." I tried to be honest without hurting your feelings but you know what, FUCK YOU DUDLEY! Is that enough "balls" for you tough guy?

Now onto everyone's favorite non-typing retard, Cannon. I tried to be nice and give my opinion while being very careful to not step on your toes and then you through a hissy fit cause I dare to say that spending twenty pages worth of message board and 6 interviews talking about a FAILED wrestling promotion is stupid, well guess what it is. You trash the IWF and Leslie Jones, but the fact is DCW FAILED, it's dead and gone. The difference is Leslie didn't leave a bunch of bad debt and pissed off people in his wake. You want it to come back cause he's the only idiot that thinks you know your head from your ass. Go ahead and talk about DCW, I'm sure he'll find some other money mark to back it and he'll take you all on another short ride with a few shows with some names that don't draw enough to pay Kevin Nash's lunch tab. Then he'll be gone again like a theif in the night leaving you back to writing your incomprehensible column and fending off people he owes trying to get to him through you. See most of the workers feel the same way but they'll never say it cause they think they might get booked if it happens to come back, but me I give a fuck less so I'll tell you how it really is.

Good luck and oh yeah, FUCK YOU TOO, retard.

How's that for thinking, bitch!

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Cheap Heat returning to

After a one year absence 'Cheap Heat' is returning regularly to the lineup. The first one has been sent to Tia featuring an interview with CCW Owner Stephen Creasy. I would like to say thanks to Jimmy and Tia for having me back and look forward to writing for the site.


(this blog will still be updated with various stuff from time to time)

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Things never change........

How is it that there are numerous promotions running successful shows throughout the area yet 90% of the posts on Jimmy's board are people debating whether DCW is coming back, or IWF is coming back, or where Leslie Jones had lunch today. Who cares if DCW is coming back, or IWF for that matter untill they do why waste time talking about it. People have debated it since both stopped running. Just because Cannon's 17 part interview has gotten Dewayne Huckleberry's name back out there does not mean that DCW is coming back. Just from an interview now we've got people speculating that DCW is coming back with Bret Hart and Kurt Angle, huh? WTF? Just because they worked a show with Kurt Angle years back doesn't mean they are best buds or keep in touch. I worked shows with Jake Roberts three times, doesn't mean we get together and smoke crack nowadays. Just give that shit a rest, if it comes back great, then you can say I told you so, if not then you don't look like such an ass. Just wait untill there is something to talk about rather than beat that dead horse everyday.

Neil Taylor shows up in XOW!?!

Meanwhile while everyone discusses promotions that are dead and gone it went almost unmentioned that Neil "the Real Deal" Taylor made a shocking return to XOW alongside Pure Destruction. I would think this would be newsworthy considering all the real heat there's been between Neil and Storm and the XOW lockeroom in general. I haven't gotten the whole story on the circumstances leading up to him showing up there or what exactly happened, I just got a phonecall from someone asking ME about it, and I had no clue. I will have to do some digging.

Memphis to get a developmental deal?????

Well that's the rumor and it's probably true but damn what the hell for? Don't get me wrong there are some really talented guys in Memphis. But it's been being ran all wrong. Rather than guys like Lawler getting over the younger guys and making them stars they just keep putting over the old guys and making Corey Maclin the main focus of the main event angles which is as Corey would say, "Ridickalous". So will they be "developing" Maclin for a run in the WWE?? Will Shock take his Scott Steiner wannabe act to RAW? Will Kevin White become "Kevey" of the Spirit Squad? (it would suit that little bitch well) Well whatever happens we all know Gregory will be sitting there with a hard-on reporting on his "mempho board" with his Jerry Lawler doll shoved up his ass. (Since you didn't find the humor in the Bob Holly post, maybe that amused you, Mr. White)

Will ECW succeed this time around?

The answer is no. First off it will not be the ECW everyone is longing for. It can't be. For one, from what I've read the tv will be taped at the Smackdown tapings, not in the smaller venues it's used to. Plus, that fire that everyone had before really won't be there as just another brand of the WWE. Plus the minute it starts to takeoff WWE will cut the legs out from under it to make sure it doesnt outshine there main shows. If you ask me, ECW's heyday was from '94 to '97, maybe '98. After that it started downhill and by the time it made it to TNN it was just a shell of what it once was. I really hope it succeeds and like I mentioned before provide a place for guys who don't fit into the WWE style or mold to go and show there talent. We shall see.......

Check out Wrestling Riot Online

Check out the former "Coach BT", Brian Tramel's new site that is gonna give news and results from around the area. This is a great idea and good place for people like me to keep up with what's going on at all the various shows without wading through all the crap filled message boards trying to find results. Good luck Brian and let know if I can help out with anything.

Internet Peeps not happy with Christian's reign so far

It seems alot of the same "smart marks" who were whining about Vince never giving Christian the ball and running with it are now saying that Christian isn't making a convincing NWA champion. Of course most of the same folks said the same exact thing about Jarrett, Rhino, and Raven. So what the hell do they want? Give the guy a chance, he's only held the belt a couple of months, give him some time. Who else that's there would make a better champion? Sting? His time is past. Steiner? See Sting. Abyss? Perhaps, before they put everybody and their mother over on him. Christopher Daniels? I think if given some time to shed his X-Division status he would make a great World Champion. Samoa Joe? Eventually but it looks like they may be rushing it, jumping from his X-Division title matches to all of a sudden being Sting's partner against Jarrett & Steiner seemed kinda random and rushed, I think they should build him up against some larger competition before throwing him straight to the "big boys" maybe an angle with Abyss or Monty Brown. Rumor is he hurt his knee at the last tapings so that may be a factor.

WOOOO!!! The Charges are dropped!

Well, perhaps the Andersons took them out in the parking lot as they did Dusty Rhodes back in the day but somehow no witnesses showed up for Naitch's Road Rage trial so the Nature Boy walked the aisle a free man. Speaking of walking the aisle, word is Flair is going to be getting married again soon with "the Game of Kings Assassin" Triple H as his best man, I can't help but picture Flair walking the aisle to get married with his ring music playing with Triple H standing at the altar in that Wrestlemania getup. Hope this marriage works out better than the last.

Well that's all for now. Thanks for reading. Still looking for some interview subjects so email me if your willing to do one.


Friday, May 05, 2006

DCW, ECW, and whatever else I think of.......

First off I have to say the end of world must be upon us, Neil Taylor and Hollywood Jimmy both updated their blogs within the past week. I think thats mentioned in Revelations or something.........just kidding guys. (However, if Burcham updates his in next few days as well you may want to get right with God just in case)


Speaking of "God", I couldn't believe he no-showed Backlash leaving Shawn Michaels to take a beating from The McMahons and the Spirit Squad, perhaps he tried to hold them up for more cash like Jarrett or Warrior.


Before I get into the WWE and ECW stuff I have to throw in my 2 cents on the Dewayne Huckleberry interviews that Cannon has been doing. I agree with everyone that the interviews have been good and it's been interesting to hear his side of some things, BUT as for the talk of DCW coming back or Dewayne starting a new company, I think it's totally absurd people are saying they'd be willing to work for him again. It's people like that, that skip out owing everyone money that makes it hard for other promotions to get buildings and tv time because people don't distinguish between the different intials of the companies, they just know WRESTLING screwed them and they want no part of it. But these promoters do it, then they fall off the face of the planet for a while then they slide back in and do it all again a few years later because everyone is willing to work for them again because they might just get to work a show with Disco Inferno or their favorite "Legend". Now of course I'm the only who will say this cause I'm not looking to get booked, but others know deep down they feel the same way. Again nothing against Cannon, the interviews have been good and it's gotten his column a LOT of attention.


Well the rumors have been circulating since the moment HBK did the crotch chop at Wrestlemania 22 only to be followed by "The Game/Cerebral Assassin/King of Kings/Mr. Mutton Chops" Triple H doing one in his match as well. But there seems to be some confirmation that a Degeneration X reunion is coming soon based on some spoilers from a PPV preview for Judgement Day that includes "the reformation of DX." We'll have to wait and see. Now anyone who knows me knows that I was a big fan of D-X and stole from them liberally during the time I "wrestled" but I just don't know how well it's gonna work these days. Especially with Shawn Michaels now being a hardcore holy roller. Although, apparently he's cleared it with Jesus to say 'suck it' several times now so who knows. Perhaps, it's his revenge on God for standing him up at Backlash. We'll see.


Well another rumor that's been more rampant than the DX rumor is the "ECW is returning as a seperate brand" rumor which actually began this time last year before the first ECW One Night Stand. It continued til shortly afterward then fizzled out til recently. A few things make it seem like it's for real this time. For one Sabu came out on his website and said that right after working the TNA Lockdown PPV he signed a one year deal with WWE to be part of the new ECW. Since then several other former ECW stars have signed on as well. It also looks as though that WWE may be cutting ties with OVW (which Heyman has been running since middle of last year) they recently bought out OVW's tape library and Heyman hasn't been at the tapings since the ECW talks started. One of the more interesting aspects is that it's rumored that Vince is putting Tommy Dreamer in charge of the new ECW and Paul Heyman will be working UNDER him.
Personally I think if they truly made it's own entity and left it to itself (like when Vince was just secretly helping to fund it) then it might have a chance. Using the former ECW stars and the newer developemental guys who don't exactly fit the WWE mold (i.e. CM Punk, Kasey James and the like) then this thing could succeed. However if they try to have an invasion type angle or a in ring feud with the WWE guys it's gonna die cause Vince has already shown he can't do that without burying the other brand. It will be interesting to see how it unfolds, I think the Joey Styles "shoot promo" Monday was very well done and good way to kick things off in that direction. I've read where Styles actually wrote that promo himself and then got it approved by the writers. I believe it cause it was one of the better promos done on raw in a long time. You can check out a clip of it below.

I be back in a few days to talk about the latest with TNA and whatever pops up over the weekend. Check back soon.


Saturday, April 29, 2006

Karma is a bitch......

Harcore Holly fighting for his life
By Ed Williams III
April 24, 2006

Hardcore Holly is one of the toughest competitors to ever step inside the squared circle. He has come out on top of countless battles over the years, but he’s currently facing the toughest battle of his life. Holly has been out of action since November and is currently at home suffering a serious staph infection. Doctors have told Holly that he’s lucky to not only still have his arm, but also to be alive. While Holly is currently taking extremely strong antibiotics to treat the infection, he’s not out of the woods from this life-threatening scare just yet. caught up with Holly to talk about his current condition, how it all started, what’s keeping his spirits up and much more. There are a lot of stories circulating on the Internet about your condition. To set the record straight, what is your current condition?
Hardcore Holly: Right now, instead of being in the hospital, I’m sitting at home, hooked up to IV antibiotics. Because the staph infection got so bad, I was hospitalized twice because the antibiotics weren’t strong enough. When it came back the second time I had to go in for emergency surgery. The infection was growing on my bone. If they didn’t get the infection then I could have lost my arm, and I’m still not in the clear from that. Instead of having to stay in the hospital for the next several weeks, I’m at home getting antibiotics twice a day. And that stuff is strong as sh*t, boy; it makes me feel like crap. How did this condition come about?
Hardcore Holly: Basically what happened was, the first time I got the infection, I took antibiotics to get rid of it, and it went away. Then it came back, and I just never had it taken care of properly. I started getting the infection again the same week Eddie died in Minneapolis. I was getting conflicting stories form the doctors. One doctor told me to go home. Another doctor wanted to send me to the hospital, but instead they sent me overseas to wrestle. And I have no problem with that. That’s my job. But I didn’t realize the situation was as bad as it was, and I got really sick while I was overseas. When I came home, I had surgery on my elbow, and that’s when I found out the infection was in my elbow, growing on the bone. And that’s why I’m having these problems now. I thank Dr. Rios, because the night we landed overseas, he got all the junk cleaned out of the infection to where I could work and stand the pain a little bit. Then when I got back home, I said enough was enough and I had to get this taken care of. Why did you go in for the elbow surgery in the first place?
Hardcore Holly: I went in because I had numbness in my fingers. I had bone spurs and bone chips so bad in my elbow that it was pinching the nerve. And I had put that off for a long time. With that surgery is when everything got worse for me. What would have happened if you didn’t go in for the elbow surgery?
Hardcore Holly: I probably wouldn’t have an arm right now or I’d be dead. The doctor told me I’m lucky to be alive and lucky to have an arm. And that’s because it wasn’t taken care of when it should have been. I didn’t know it was that bad. It was painful and it made me sick, but I didn’t realize how serious it was. Two weeks ago I woke up with a fever and thought I had the flu. I got up and threw up, but didn’t think anything of it. But then my arm swelled up like a balloon. I was sent straight to the hospital, and that’s when they found out the infection was in my arm. We won’t know for sure if they got all of it until I’m done with the antibiotics, which will be another three weeks or so. And now I do nothing except sit around hooked up to that stupid machine. It zaps all of my energy because it’s so strong, and it doesn’t make you feel really well. I can’t work out. I can’t do anything. I’ve lost so much weight. But I’ll be back. I’ll come back like I always have come back. This is just another hurdle. That’s all it is. Before your arm swelled up again two weeks ago, did you think the infection was gone?
Hardcore Holly: I knew something was wrong. I just knew something wasn’t right. If it was taken care of the right way I wouldn’t be having this problem. I don’t know if it was a matter of miscommunication or what. I don’t know. I’m going to do what I’m told to do. If I’m told to go somewhere to wrestle, that’s what I’m going to do. I’m not going to dispute anything because that’s what I’m paid to do. I’ve been getting a lot of response from the fans, and I want to thank all of them. And for the fans that don’t like me, they only know me from television. If they were to meet me, they would see the kind of person I really am. I’m a giving person. I give to charities and stuff like that. It’s the fans choice if they don’t like me, but they don’t need to say derogatory things because I’m sick. This could be life-threatening. I also want to thank Vince for taking care of me. I have the utmost respect for that man. Even though we’ve had our differences and stuff like that, that man has always taken care of me. And I won’t ever, ever forget it. I am grateful to him. I’m just ready to get back to work. I’m frustrated. It’s depressing just sitting around. At least when I broke my neck I could get out and do stuff. Now, I’m hooked up to an IV and can’t leave the house. What drives you in this fight, how do you try to maintain a positive attitude?
Hardcore Holly: E-mails from fans and stuff like that have fueled me. I’m not done yet. There’s still things I want to accomplish. By no means am I finished yet. I’ll be back just as I was before, if not better. When I came back from my broke neck I was better than I was before, and with this, I’ll come back better again. I’m not worried about that. It will be a little harder this time because I haven’t been able to work out or do any cardio or do anything. Nothing’s easy. It’s just a test to see how bad I want it – how bad I want to come back. I belong in that ring. Do you have a message for your fans out there that are pulling for you?
Hardcore Holly: I just want to thank them for their support. It has meant a lot to me and makes me want to come back even more. I didn’t realize how many people out there really cared. There are a lot of fans out there that do, and I really appreciate that. The fans are my main motivation. When I come back I’ll do the best I can to entertain them. And for the fans that don’t like me, I’ll do the best I can to make them still hate me. I want to hurry up and come back, but I can’t hurry up. It’s one of those things I have to make sure that it’s gone before I really let loose. The drive is there, and the passion is there more than it’s ever been. I’ve got a lot to prove when I come back. I’m not through yet.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

RF Shoot with the New Age Outlaws

RF Video Shoot Interview with the New Age Outlaws/The James Gang

This is definetly one of the more entertaining shoot interviews out there with "Road Dog" B.G. James and "Bad Ass" Billy Gunn/Kipp James. These guys were really open with everything unlike a lot of guys who pull punches in hopes of going back to WWE one day, these guys are obviously content to work for TNA cause they held nothing back when talking about Vince, Hunter, and the WWE in general. B.G. is obviously quite high during this thing which may be why he was so open. Again I will not do like a lot of net writers and tell you everything that was discussed cause my intention with these isn't to spoil the whole thing just to kinda give a thumbs up or thumbs down on whether they are worth getting.

One of the interesting/sad things about this was hearing about the hundreds of thousands of dollars they made and that now they don't have shit, as B.G. put it to the cameraman, "I'd wash your socks for a pack of Ramen noodles." Gunn said his ex-wife took most of his money while Road Dog readily admits most all his went to drugs and he burned through all the money he'd banked in the WWE in just a matter of monthes after being released.

They talk about the fact that they went from being nothing happening midcarders to the hottest tag team of the day and how Shawn Michaels and Triple H saw their act as a way to further get THEMSELVES over. I'm not going to go into a lot of detail about it as pretty much anything you can imagine pertaining to them is here, road stories, drug stories, you name it. Below is a preview video of the first 10 minutes of the shoot. If your interested in picking up a copy, email me at or click the link on the right side with the rest of the links.