Ok, time to weigh in with my 2 cents on the SGWA/Neil Taylor/Leslie Jones/Chris Rocker controversy. Now let me preface this by saying, this is not meant as an attack on SGWA as a whole. I have a lot of people I consider to be friends that work there. This also is not directed at everyone's favorite internet target Gary Wooldridge, as he was not responsible for it. This is directed at the dumbass who took over the booking and decided what was best for him and his buddies was more important than the show and the fans, and that is what kills 90% of all wrestling promotions. After 2 monthes of building an angle building to a certain match involving certain people you can't just decide to "go another direction". The fans have invested time and money into coming to the shows leading up to this match, they have watched Neil Taylor every week calling himself "the King" all the while being promised by announcers week after week that the real "King" Jerry Lawler will be coming on November 26th to kick his ass. Whether you like Neil Taylor or not, or regardless of whether you think he "talked shit behind your back" that is what you promised the fans and that is what they expect to see. Since your obviously a mark that doesn't understand how business works, let me break it down to you where you might understand.
Say Vince McMahon was promoting an upcoming Pay Per View and the main event was The Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels. And for 6 or 8 weeks you watched Shawn Michaels trash the Undertaker and every week they told you that the Undertaker was gonna be at the pay per view to get revenge on HBK. What do you think would happen if Vince got mad at Shawn a few days before the match and decided to "go another direction" with the main event and fired Shawn and put Undertaker in a 6 man match tagging with Heidenreich and Animal against the Mexicools? You would be pissed right, and every WWE fan who had spent the last several weeks watching the buildup to that match would feel cheated and they would shit on it!
Now I'm not just saying this because of who it is. Had you built an angle with Lawler and Ricky Flame and then suddenly pulled out Ricky at the last minute and threw Neil in with no angle I would still say it is bullshit.
But let's get down to the facts, it's all about jealousy. Your one of the pricks that REALLY DID get thrown out of the UPN dressing room that day in Memphis. You see this as your big chance to try to get yourself over and shit on some guys your jealous of(Neil/Rocker) I'm sure you hate the fact these guys get booked all over and you don't. You need to think of what's best for the show, and the other guys and not just yourself. Think back to when you were the mark in the crowd, and not the mark in the ring. If you had went week after week and saw a match built up and then you showed up and it didn't happen, would you go back? Would you feel lied to, cheated?
Now there is also one more aspect of this to consider. Jerry Lawler doesn't need the money you guys are struggling so hard to round up. What the person on the board said is true. Lawler trusts Rocker. Rockers works with him in Memphis. Lawler was very pleased with the way the angle in Selmer played out(a whole other aspect of this by the way) Lawler let Neil and Leslie get heat on him and LAWLER promised the fans he would get revenge in Booneville. What do you think he'll say when his friend Chris Rocker calls him up and tells him they've shitcanned his angle and gotten rid of him, so the booker could work with him instead. I don't think he'll come down there. Hell I wouldn't and I don't get a check from Vince McMahon every week. He will look like an asshole and it will look like he lied to his fans. So, how do you think it will look on SGWA if not only do fans not get the match they were promised, but also don't get to see Jerry Lawler as has been promised for weeks and weeks??
So to sum things up, you've made a very STUPID mistake. One that I think that will be looked back on as one of things that killed off Booneville. Hey, it's only Wednesday, it's not too late to do the right thing. Your call, bookerman.