Monday, August 29, 2005

Random Notes......

Well a few things I wanted to cover and I don't have a lot of time so I just thought I'd throw them out here real quick...

First off I've decided that space at the top of the page would be used for quotes that amuse me and for some reason the one that is up there now just caught my attention the other day....

After reading all the accusations on the message board I decided to call up Neil and get the real story on him and Leslie being "kicked out of the UPN studio in Memphis", I won't even bother telling it since people are gonna say what they want since it's people who were there and know better that was spreading it in the first place but just to show you how 'factual' it is, Leslie Jones wasn't even there, he was in Tupelo. Also there were a number of 'workers' from Tupelo who actually did get kicked out of the building but that didn't seem to get mentioned by everybody. Don't believe everything you read folks........

The other day I checked out the new XOW website and was looking at the pictures and I saw the picture of J.D. McKay and it got me thinking, How come when someone gets something shaved off at a wrestling show, it hardly ever grows back?? Kurt Angle's hair, Big Show's Hair, Jimmy Valiant's beard, J.D.'s mustache?? It's bizarre, I think the next time I work a wrestling show I'll ask them to shave my face so I won't have to every morning........

Can you imagine being Shawn Michaels getting to the building last week after one of the biggest matches of his career, not to mention in wrestling period and being told he's going from that into an angle with........Chris Masters. WTF!?!? They should have left him heel and let him feud with Cena, Cena vs. Angle feels too much like Smackdown. Oh well, at least he didn't have to lay down for ROB FUCKING CONWAY!!! Poor Matt, last time I seen someone killed off this brutally they ended up chasing O.J. down the freeway in California.

Everyone needs to see the next TNA PPV. Order it, buy a bootleg copy from me, something. The three way X Title match with Christopher Daniels vs. AJ Styles vs. Samoa Joe is going to kick serious ass!! These are the top three guys in TNA in my opinion and it should be a classic. If you haven't seen Samoa Joe wrestle shame on you. The man is a helluva a worker, he held the Ring of Honor title for well over a year and helped put them on the map as a legitimate company and made the ROH title a highly respected title on the northern indy scene and if you don't know Daniels and Styles then pull your head outta your ass and quite watching so much WWE.

Later, thanks for reading.