Wednesday, June 20, 2007

The Lawler Situation and other stuff.....

Wow, so this Jerry Lawler/Sal Corrente situation that was reported on Brian Tramel's site over the weekend has turned out to be a bigger ordeal than first suspected. RasslinRiot broke the story that Corrente is pressing charges on Lawler and it's been sited all over the wrestling sites on the net. Rumor is even floating around that Lawler has been suspended by WWE, although I haven't read that anywhere reputable and I don't know why they would other than perhaps trying to avoid somehow getting dragged in on a lawsuit. It will be interesting to see how this plays out cause if this guy wins it will completely change the way things work in wrestling and the line between what's part of the show and what's considered assault will be forever in question. Hell, New Jack stabbed a guy multiple times in the ring in Florida(yes with a fucking knife) and was acquited because it was in the context of a wrestling show. So this will be very interesting. Times have changed and the old guys are gonna have to realise you just can't do shit like that anymore regardless of the reason. While I do agree that Sal guy is the shits and needed busted in his face just for filling a spot that Hollywood Jimmy should have been filling, you just can't do that shit anymore. Moving on.....

I really don't know how I feel about the whole "blowing up" Mr. McMahon thing, it's sad this is the direction the business is taking and this is the kinda outlandish shit they have to do draw ratings since booking good angles and matches are apparently no longer and option but what I can't believe is how many assholes on message boards here and there are debating whether or not he's really dead, or posting where WWE "admitted it's a work" as some sort of groundbreaking news. Damn, maybe it's not too late, maybe they could bring back kayfabe. Anyway, I'm not offended by the angle I mean you knew they'd have to go there eventually. I just don't like how they are doing a lot of the things they've done when guys really have died, I guess they have to somewhat to get it over but it just confuses the remaining marks and pisses off the "smart" people. Let's just hope the payoff is good and it doesn't turn out to be Coach or someone lame as the culprit.

I'm gonna be posting here quite a bit with a variety of things, thoughts on current wrestling news, articles on wrestling's past like one I'm writing now entitled "The Legacy of WCW", and another one I'm putting together on the heyday of tag team wrestling. Also, dvd reviews as I've just finished WWE's Most Powerful Families in Wrestling as well as several new shoot interviews. So check back here often and please feel free to send feedback to


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