Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Cheap Heat 6/22/11- Random Thoughts by Gene Jackson

Ok, so I've got a bunch of random stuff to cover so here goes.....

First off, thanks to everyone who has been checking out the new website, I hope everyone is liking it and I'm always open for input on ways to improve it, so if you have any ideas hit me up at  If you are interested in becoming a writer for via the 'Cheap Heat Indy Wrestling Newz' board, send them to the same address with an outline of what your idea for the column is.  I'm looking for columnists as well as reporters to send in recaps of live shows as well as dvds and televised shows.  So if your interested and you think you can write something that's entertaining for the readers, don't hesitate to let me know!

I can't say enough how much I enjoyed getting to interview Jerry Stubbs last week....I was such a fan of Continental Wrestling growing up and he was a big part of the promotion back when I first started getting to go see live shows.  I'm also excited about the Dutch Mantell interview that will be happening later today.....I was a fan of the "Dirty Dutchman" as well and he's always outspoken and entertaining in interviews and from what I can tell he's already got some topics in mind to talk about so I'm looking forward to hearing it.  I was however bummed out that the storms hit Tuesday afternoon knocking out the power and forcing me to reschedule the Kid Nikels interview, but we will get it rescheduled within a week or so.

I've got some really great guests lined up in June, July, and August.....some of which are really gonna surprise some people.  I'm looking forward to them and I hope everyone enjoys them, I'm trying really hard to make the "Cheap Heat" interviews cover some different topics than some of the other interviews out there are as well as having a broad range of guests and so far I'm getting really good feedback.  Also, I've started a partnership with the 'Cubelic and the Kid' Radio Show on 97.7 The Zone out of Huntsville, Alabama.  They are starting what they will be calling "Turnbuckle Tuesdays", and I joined them live in the studio on 6/21 to kick it off with an interview promoting and from here on out I will be lining them up wrestlers to interview with the help of friends like Sal Corrente,  Jimmy Blaylock and as well as Jack Lord, and others.  They will promote the websites on the air in exchange for us getting them the interviews so it should be a win/win for everyone involved.

I'm currently reading the 2nd book from Chris Jericho, UNDISPUTED and I have to say I'm enjoying it just as much as I did the first book.  Jericho has a knack for entertaining and informing with his writing much like Mick Foley and it makes for a fun read.....I highly recommend it to anyone who knows how to read, whether or not they are a hardcore "sports entertainment" fan.
Well after wanting to last year and things not coming together, it looks like perhaps Rosey and I will be making it to the NWA Legends Fanfest since it's just up the road in Atlanta rather than Charlotte.  You have to admit my wife is pretty awesome to be willing to go to an old school wrestling convention on her birthday weekend, but I'm pretty luck like that.  It should be a lot of fun and I'm looking forward to getting to meet most of the 50 or more legends in attendance but I'd be lying if I didn't say I'm most stoked about the chance to meet "Rowdy" Roddy Piper!  Piper is a hero of mine and it will be really cool to get a chance to meet him......So if things work out as I hope, look for coverage of the event here at, as well as a show or two leading into it interviewing some of the legends involved.

I'll be the first to say that I don't find Zack Ryder to be the LEAST BIT entertaining but you've really gotta hand it to him for the way he's started this grass roots internet movement to get himself over in spite of the office.  Of course, he'll find out like many others that the office will do what they want and could care less what the fans or least of all the "smart" fans want.  The more signs there are in the crowd and the more response he gets the deeper he'll get buried because it wasn't their ideas at "WOO, WOO, WOO" all ya want....but you might as well be figuring out what name they can legally call you in TNA cause that's where you'll end up before the years up.

Sooo....They are coming out telling us that CM Punk's contract is up and he's leaving.....HOWEVER, we're supposed to buy a pay per view where he's wrestling Cena for the title on his "LAST NIGHT" with the do you sell people on a pay per view where the ending is a foregone conclusion...if we're supposed to think he's leaving....who would expect him to win?....or are we just supposed to assume their full of shit and that he's really not leaving??  I thought Russo worked for TNA??  So let's say for argument's sake Punk really is leaving....where would he go?? TNA?? Surely not!! Back to Ring of Honor?? That's two steps backwards.....Hmm, I guess maybe it will be interesting to see afterall.....
I wanna thank all the writers here at columns have been great and I really appreciate it...keep up the great work everybody!!
Until next time......don't miss the Cheap Heat Radio Shows and make sure to check out the archives!! Thanks for visiting the site!!


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