Sunday, May 29, 2011

GCW Global Warfare Results from Pell City, Alabama 5/28/11

Larry Goodman's GCW report

05/29/2011 – Global Championship Wrestling Live Report for 5/28
From Larry Goodman:

Global Championship Wrestling presented “Global Warfare” their biggest event of 
2011 at the Civic Center in Pell City, Alabama, Saturday night, featuring an 
appearance by Carlito.

The event drew 300-350 for a card loaded with talent including Luke Gallows, Chase 
Stevens, Cassidy Riley and Micah and Tracy Taylor.

It was a logically booked old school show. The matches featuring the big stars 
delivered. The best thing about it was how hot the crowd was for most of the action.

(1) Theodore Tutwiler III won a 20 man battle royal with an alleged $25,000 prize in 11 
minutes. Who did they think they were kidding with that prize money? A lot of top notch 
talent was limited to window dressing duty - Mike Posey, Corey Hollis, Adam Jacobs 
and Antonio Garza were all lost in the shuffle. Spiral was the most impressive of the 
relative unknowns. A small kid name Jeremy Foster has a very good look. I couldn’t 
get a read on his skill level. A bunch of guys worked together to eliminate the 400 
pound Mr. Jones. Tutwiler was a special surprise entrant, the story being that long-
time partner JP Magnum and manager Howard C. Cross had turned on him. A panic-
stricken Cross was trying to hide from Tutwiler. The crowd wanted to see Cross get 
his ass beat. They got their wish when Cross tried to interfere. Tutwiler punched 
Cross and dragged him around by his tie, with Cross doing this goofy selling. Funny 
stuff. Tutwiler then eliminated Magnum for the win.

Color announcer El Professor (masked man with a ridiculous Ivan Koloff accent) 
presented Tutwiler with a giant-sized cardboard check made out for 25K.

(2) Tracy Taylor beat Pandora (with Wicked Nemesis) in 10:15. They wrestled. It was 
refreshing to see fans so responsive to the wrestling in a women’s match. Tracy is 
way over with the GCW fans. She’s come such a long way since her Deep South 
days. She’s molded herself into a polished professional wrestler, and she had an 
opponent that was eager to follow her lead. Pandora is rough around the edges, but 
she’s pugnacious as all get out. They did a nice sequence where Tracy reversed a 
grounded headscissors into a leglock submission, and Pandora went for a ropes 
break. Tracy also did a northern lights suplex into a guillotine choke, again forcing 
Pandora to the ropes. Pandora took over when Tracy crashed and burned on a 
springboard move. Pandora tried to put Tracy away with a running bulldog. Not 
happening. Frustration set in. After a sweet powerslam, Tracy scored the pinfall on a 

(3) Luke Gallows defeated Orion Bishop in 8:15. Gallows was in full Straight Edge 
Society mode. He told the fans he was superior to all of them because he was 
straight edge. Gallows vs. the lean mean fighting machine version of Bishop would 
have been something to behold. Unfortunately, this was only Bishop’s second match 
in the last four months, so he was nowhere close to prime ring shape. Still a good 
match because Gallows was on his game, and you had two huge men that can really 
move. Bishop was suplexing him with ease, which was damn impressive. Gallows 
took over after sending Bishop flying into the ring steps. Bishop showed resiliency 
kicking out of Gallows’ big moves. Gallows missed coming off the ropes, and Bishop 
seized on the opportunity with a big powerslam for two, but he came up empty on the 
Vader Bomb, and Gallows finished him with the Gallows Pole.

A little old man that goes to all the GCW shows was giving Gallows holy hell. This guy 
must have venom in his veins instead of blood.

First intermission – Carlito did a photo op.

(4) Inhuman Fly beat Shane Williams to retain the GCW TV Title in 15 minutes. This 
was the least entertaining Shane Willliams match I’ve seen. Fly is a little Energizer 
bunny type guy under a mask. He’s in fantastic shape but his offense looks weak. 
Williams insisted on being introduced as “The King of Birmingham”. Williams did 
simple stuff (as opposed to easy) to get heat. Williams totally dominated. Fly’s 
meager comebacks looked bad. The crowd got impatient with the match and seemed 
to lose interest. Williams did his Lawler-in-reverse by pulling the strap up. Fly 
escaped from the piledriver and pinned Williams with the Maggot Sandwich 
(Unprettier). The crowd popped for the finish.

Afterward, Muddbone (a Papa Shango voodoo knock off) threw a fireball at Fly, and it 
was a good one. Rudy Charles ran down and threw a towel over Fly’s face. Muddbone 
made it clear that he had designs on Fly’s TV title.

(5) The Brotherhood (Mr. O’Hagan & Maniac O’Malley with Neala) beat The BLTs 
(Chase Stevens & Cassidy Riley) to retain the GCW Tag Team Championship in 13:
30. The crowd treated BLTs like superstars. They certainly looked the part, both with 
phenomenal tans and great physiques. Stevens is always in shape, but O’Reilly is 
really jacked. Brotherhood are an indytastic duo. BLT’s were manhandling little O’
Hagan and he was taking big bumps. The team could work Freebird style with O’
Hagan in the Buddy Roberts role, but O’Malley ain’t no Terry Gordy. The way O’Malley 
moves just screams green. Neala was the part of the act that stood out. She’s got a 
killer body and a countrified Kelly Kelly look. Plus, she had the timing and positioning 
down on her interference spot. After Neala tripped Stevens, Brotherhood isolated him 
in their corner. Riley’s work with the hot tag looked sharp. He did the handspring back 
elbow and the moonsault just fine with the added muscle mass. Neala passed a 
chain to O’Malley. Riley ducked the chain shot and pinned O’Malley with a rolling 
reverse. It was announced as a title change, but O’Malley had planted the chain in 
Riley’s pocket. Charles found it and reversed the decision. Major manipulation of fan 
emotions here, so the match worked.

Riley said he had been to GCW twice and got screwed both times. He demanded a 
rematch for June 25. Stevens told the crowd that as the Hotshots, they were the first 
team signed by TNA 9 years ago. Stevens said the POS didn’t beat them. Ring 
announcer Eddie Layne apologized for the language and said they would have to fix it 
in post.

Second intermission – photo op with Gallows and Tracy.

(6) Micah Taylor beat Carlito to retain the GCW Heavyweight Championship in 15 
minutes. Good match. Carlito looked and wrestled the same as he did in WWE – 
competent in all respects without kicking it into high gear like a true superstar. The 
GCW fans are into Micah as their babyface champion. Why not? He’s got the look, the 
fire and the pure wrestling ability. Micah accepted Carlito’s handshake offer at the 
start. It was clean, even steven wrestling early. As Micah was trying to complete a 
three amigos suplex, Carlito grabbed the ref and mule kicked him in the groin. Carlito 
used a southpaw lariat to send Micah over the top. Carlito worked Micah over on the 
outside. Back inside, Carlito hit the springboard back elbow for a near fall. A flying 
crotch shot onto the turnbuckle set up Micah for the comeback – 10 punches, a wind 
up haymaker followed by 10 corner lariats. Micah went up top, but Carlito cut him off at 
the pass with a superplex. Carlito went for the apple. He loaded up his mouth and 
tossed the core at the crazy old man, then spit at Micah. He ducked and referee Birney 
Kawanawitz took the apple gunk full in the face. Micah pinned a surprised Carlito with 
the Wipe Out (leg lariat off the top).

Postmatch, Gallows attacked Micah from behind and beat him down. Carlito started 
to leave, but had second thoughts and gave Gallows the Backstabber. That popped 
the crowd bigtime. Carlito raised Micah’s hand to end the show

Credit: Larry Goodman

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