Friday, June 03, 2011

Grumblings & Rumblings..A free form rant

Check out the latest column from Bradley Caine

Generally, I believe wrestling is like Chinese food.If you like Chinese food, the first time you tried it you found something you liked.Because there are so many Chinese restaurants, your favorite item might be a tad different, you eat it and its good but its still not what you remembered. Wrestling , I feel is basically the same way.Maybe it's because we were younger and and the business was not as exposed.I believe most older fans will either not watch today's product or if they do shake their head and think about the way it was.Before tv writers took over.
I actually watch today's product, I always believe we can learn what to do and more importantly what NOT to do.I would like to think I am not jaded, with that said let me throw out some observations I have on wrestling now and then. This is by no means a be all to end all, just some views and my opinions.
Making Sense.....I do not shot call any shows, but anyone with common sense knows if something makes sense or not.Confused crowd means uninterested crowd.Confused crowd means next show they will sit at home and what reruns of Criminal Minds or something.Shot callers, you are not reinventing the wheel,make the matches make sense and tell a story.If you think you have a revolutionary idea , that's great but it doesn't mean much if it doesn't make sense to the paying customers! Expecting wrestling fans to figure out what is going through your mind just won't happen.They pay to enjoy a show not trying to play the role of a mind reader.Also, it doesn't matter if you run an old school show or a new school show it should be about telling the stories RIGHT. Making sense to me is the best way to go.
Finishers...There are many wrestling actions that can be a go home. The rise of ECW is where I really noticed that moves/actions that use to be the ending of a match are no longer effective.I say BS to that! Please don't give me this "that is so old school". If Bryan Danielson can use a freaking small package as a go home and have it work. Then any lost finisher can be used.I believe it's up to the performer to make it important and maybe ONLY use it as the go home.Using it to allow your opponent to kick out at 2 and three quarters does you no good.
Also if you work a show and have a move that is your go home,check with the others.Nothing is worse than watching a show where one guy might use a move to get the win and 3 other guys use it and get a 1 count out of it.This is something that the shot caller should pay attention to as well. I could be asking for too much there.....
Babyfaces, if you are worried why you are not over allow me to give you my opinion on it. If you walk out and you do not make a connection with the crowd and I don't mean getting rats phones numbers,then why should they care about you?
I have been at shows where the "good guy" walks out gets in the ring and expects the fans to put him over.You are not in the WWE, the camera is important there but at your local show fan interaction is essential, in my view.
Finally, if you were fortunate to work as security or even did a dark match for the E..When you work a local show, don't think you are something special, look where you are at superstar! I have worked shows with guys who got to work in some capacity with WWE, some were very cool and honestly I respect even more and truly hope they get more shots to do more. Then there is the opposite, they got a shot and came back to work indy shows like they headlined a PPV. If you are such a big shot then why are you in this small show? Finally, I am not sure that being on Jerry Springer should be a point of pride, just saying.
My name is Bradley Caine or "BC", these opinions are mine at the moment.I reserve the right to be wrong and even change my mind....

1 comment:

Shugie said...

Preach it brotha couldn't have said it better myself, good job!