Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Cheap Heat Radio talks to Neil 'the Real Deal' Taylor!

Gene Jackson is joined by his good friend Neil 'the Real Deal' Taylor, Neil hasn't been on the show in a while and there's PLENTY to talk about!

Neil Taylor joins the show and discusses "Thunder on the Water", lack of security at wrestling shows, Kenny Valiant shows, Intense Pro Wrestling, the state of current indy wrestling, his goals in the business and has he accomplished them, working with legends like Jerry Lawler and what he's learned from it, outside interests, Mick Foley, and much, much more during a 60 minute show that ran an hour and a half! Always fun to talk with the "Real Deal", make sure you give this one a listen!

Listen to internet radio with Gene Jackson on Blog Talk Radio

Neil working with Jerry 'the King' Lawler

A celebrity hook up with PEGGY LEE LEATHER!

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