Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The White Blog by Bradley Caine

The latest "from the Brain of Bradley Caine".....

No, this blog is not about any person named White. When writing a blog they ask for a title and because I don't have any glib catchy title I figured I would do as the Beatles did when they simply named their ninth official album "The White Album". Hey it sold 30 million albums.So here we go with some thoughts and viewpoints.
First a quick rule I now have, if you ever get booked by a booker that has a nickname of "Tinker", you probably would be better served to rearrange the ol sock drawer. Been there, regretted that. This is a definite shoot, I KNOW I never wish to work another show for a guy named "Tinker" or Fluff for that matter!
If you work for a show that has no security guards or you have guys who are security but I could not tell if they were guards or fans.I worked a show one time and was doing my heel thing and grabbed a security guard and whispered to him to take me to the back. You would thought I have asked him to speak Chinese or something.
Owners understand this, before your show starts, announce to the crowd, not to touch and throw anything at the wrestlers or such.Maybe the yard monkeys that work alot of these shows think its funny, but real workers need to know if they work your fans(like we are suppose to) we are not put into a position where the crazed fan is going to take a swing at us or worse.
Shot callers, find out what the "green" guys are going to do in their match. They go out there and use 7 finishers and none of them as a go home.Don't given me this "Well they are green", if that is so why are they allowed to have control over their match?Also, green guys quit working your buddy(who is also green) find veteran's and work them, listen to them and learn how to WORK! Hopefully, the vet knows how to work but sometimes that can be a mixed bag as well. Shot callers, if you are proud of the show and take the responsibility of watching , remember if its shit, well you are the one calling the shots!
I worked a show where there was this guy who I remembered about 5 years ago when he was a greenhorn.A little backstory here, when he was a greenhorn rookie, the show he worked for decided to to put him over in a battle royal.What did he do, walked out at intermission and told all his family & friends in the audience. The shot caller found out after the fact, needless to say he was not amused. Back to current day, same worker still has not improved. Some guys can wrestle forever and if they don't have that "will" to improve.By improving, that does not mean stealing Randy Orton's RKO and calling it your RKO!!!!
In closing,most likely my blogs will be like this a paragraph or so on a subject unless I just feel like venting a spleen on a subject. I could use names, say the promotion, but right now I will just stick to generalities. I enjoy what I do(manager) and try to be pretty good at it. To contact me I am on Facebook (Bradley Caine) or you can email me at

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