Saturday, May 28, 2011

Insane Lane officially retires from Pro Wrestling.....and joins!!

The Mental Messiah calls it a career....

The man known to fans as the "Mental Messiah" Insane Lane officially announced his retirement from the ring on his Facebook fanpage on Friday:

"For 9 years, nearly 1000 matches, and a lot of great memories. It was the dream of a lifetime. This is me waking up. It is time to move onto other things. This decision is final. I'm going to try my hand in other things. Maybe co-hosting a radio show? Writing columns for websites? Beer critic? We shall see. Thank you all for your support and putting up with my indecisiveness."

Late last night was proud to announce that Insane Lane has joined the staff as a columnist and will be providing his insight and road stories as a part of Cheap Heat Indy Newz, to read Lane's introductory 
column...check out the link below.

The First Edition of 'Rants from a Mental Messiah'

Listen out for Insane Lane on Cheap Heat Radio in the coming weeks to talk more about this decision, but in the meantime you can check out his interview from April 19th!

Listen to internet radio with Gene Jackson on 
Blog Talk Radio

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