Tuesday, May 24, 2011

"We have some tape of someone coming to this area"

Bradley Caine delivers his first column....

When I started watching wrestling,before there was an internet to spoil every taped show.There was the incoming video tape introducing someone new to the area. This is why I used the saying as my introduction.My homage to when weekly shows were the wrestling information center.

My name is Bradley Caine, you can call me that or BC.  Heaven knows, I have been called worse. I cannot tell you where this blog will go.I am sure it will be tinged with sarcasm, yet I shall try not to totally going for the chuckle,Not that there is anything wrong with it, but just like in shows, there is time to put the mic down.If readers want more or have suggestions, just email me or Facebook message me.

I currently manage The Chaos Effexx(Blane Evans/Damian Sky) and we do work shows fairly regularly.I have done alot in wrestling from being a fan, photographer,webmaster, ring announcer, commissioner, referee,wrestler(one match),I have learned about booking shows and I am constantly trying to make sure whatever my team is doing makes some kind of sense(THIS IS A JOB IN ITSELF!).I do understand how hard it is to run a show. I know my place and we try to have fun doing shows. That being said, I don't look at myself as a know it all.There are plenty that know more than I do, I am still learning(and always will). There are some that know less also(some of them are bookers, lol).

So hopefully, this blog of opinion will entertain. Time will tell. I thank Gene for the chance to vent the spleen (if need be) with this blog.If you would like to friend me on Facebook. feel free to. I feel we all can learn from others, whether it be bad or good, learning can be done!