Sunday, May 22, 2011

Tune in Monday at 3:30pm cst for Cheap Heat Radio w/ Jeremy Flynt

Gene Jackson to be joined by Jeremy Flynt

Gene is set to be joined by his recent tag team partner the "King of Facebook" Jeremy Flynt.  They will talk to Jeremy about his career so far in wrestling as well as talk in depth about their recent road trip to Mississippi....that included a stop in "Parts Unknown" for an Ultimate NWA show....a detour through the ghettos of Memphis, TN., and eventually to Tupelo, MS to wrestle for Intense ProWrestling...which included an encounter with "Lady Freakshow", a large snake, wrestling an ex-con, Jeremy getting invited to what had to have been the party of the year....,getting to meet "Juan Jeremy", and much, much don't wanna miss this episode of Cheap Heat Radio!  Click the link below to listen live or hear the archive anytime afterwards.

Click here to Listen to C.H.R. w/ Jeremy Flynt

Click here to become a fan of Jeremy Flynt on Facebook!

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